How do you know if you are not an over protective parent? They say that parents who are too over protective tend to not allow their children to experience life and thus become ignorant to 'what is out there'. What do you think about it?
My views may seem a bit different from others that will follow as my oldest son, Thomas (6) is special needs. He has hypotonia (low muscle tone), high mitchondria (too involved to explain here), ADHD, developmental delays, seizures, a bruising problem (still being medically investigated), and a milk/dairy allergy.
My husband and I have to watch him very closely due to the nature of his ailments. Even though we try to let him have as normal a life as possible, risks to his health and safety are more immediate than to other kids. Tom can play on some playground equipment, but falls are always a concern because of his hypotonia (he broke a heel last year from a fall). His easy bruising has lead to suspected abuse reports on a few occasions- not fun! We don't even spank him because of this. His high mitochondria keeps him pretty lean, plus can make him overheat if we're not careful. I won't even start on the dairy allergy and seizures.
Sometimes parents may seem overprotective, but often there is a good reason why.
"Overprotective" is a subjective term. It all depends on your own circumstances. I do know that it does happen, but who are we to judge what goes too far?
I'm really careful with my daughter -- the way the world is now, it's just plain scary to have her out of my sight for any length of time when we are in public places, or even if she is just playing with neighborhood kids in the front yard. I find some reason to be out there too -- watering the roses or trimming the hedges, pulling weeds, cleaning out the car, whatever. I watch her like a hawk.
P.S. On the other hand, I let her visit her dad and "his side" of the family -- and that's a scary prospect all by itself.
Helicopter parents: Hovering may have effect as kids transition to adulthood
Parental involvement is crucial to a child's development into an adult, but researchers are finding that crossing the line between supportive and too involved could indirectly lead to issues such as depression and anxiety for young adults. Ref. Source 1m.
Some parents are extreme while others are all the opposite. There has to be a balance and proper preparation so the child can feel ready to be more independent. Allowing children do things on their own is required for learning.
In situations like FarSeer, I can definitely understand the need to be productive and careful.
Yet when it comes to the average child, ones without worrying mental or physical disorders, over protectiveness can become a problem. Especially when a child goes into their teenage years, those parents that try too hard in controlling their child's life and to "Protect" them from the dangers of this world could very well drive them to seek out these very things as an act of rebellion or wish for freedom.
Overprotectiveness can have its benefits but it can also have a disadvantages, a parent needs to understand that their child is an individual and they will seek after their own interests. You can be there to guide them, you can be there to direct them, but you should be careful in trying to force them as it may well just push them away. Oftentimes, a child needs to learn the hard way as guidance and direction can only go so far. Edited: Thomaslee on 16th Jan, 2017 - 12:12am