User Auroris, this is to inform you that your membership upgrade expired on the 13th December, 2005 and your permissions have been returned to regular membership. Your upgrade can be restored once the appropriate donation amount is given. See Compare or Contribute page for more details.
Oh! Oh!
Wow, I forgot.
Ok, been out of University for awhile now. I finished last May, my graduation with a Computer Science degree is due in May 2006 (pending completion of a religious studies course). I've been working at the front desk at a hotel as night auditor, and took leave of that job in early December. Since then, I've been with my family
Cute bot, by the way
Edited: auroris on 23rd Dec, 2005 - 5:47am
QUOTE (Auroris) |
Cute bot, by the way |
Ya, I shoulda known better than to try to steal the Architect's own currency out of the Architect's own profile
Just testing!
Edited: auroris on 24th Dec, 2005 - 2:26am