Putin And Tony Blair: A Secret Arrangement

Putin Tony Blair Secret Arrangement - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 26th Mar, 2012 - 8:42am

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Post Date: 21st Mar, 2012 - 9:49am / Post ID: #

Putin And Tony Blair: A Secret Arrangement
A Friend

Putin And Tony Blair: A Secret Arrangement

Based on my professional experience as a former Russian investment banker and taking into account my personal experience as well, I have reasonable grounds to be certain that Mr. Tony Blair on one side and Mr. Putin and Gazprom (the Russian state-controlled gas monopoly) on another, reached a secret arrangement in 2004. I am confident that Tony Blair agreed to make sure that the British government would provide its consent to a potential purchase of Centrica (the British holding company that owns British Gas) by Gazprom in exchange of a transfer of funds in GBP equivalent to approximately USD 8.2 million to finance re-election campaign of Tony Blair in 2005. Putin and Gazprom clearly realized that if Gazprom had made an official bid to purchase Centrica, the British public and political opposition would have raised their strong concerns. In order to placate such opposition and to prepare the public they had envisaged the British Labour government to provide its consent to the sale. Tony Blair was quoted by mass media with positive comments on the proposed sale. I think that strong criticism on Iraq war and domestic policies prevented him from delivering to the Russians what he initially had promised. I think that the issue was discussed during a short official visit of Putin to the UK in 2006.

I have submitted my information and my allegations to the Metropolitan police in 2006, namely to Mr. John Yates, then Deputy Assistant Commissioner (by registered mail). I have equally informed Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness Prince Charles, as well as a number of leading British politicians: the Rt. Hon. Sir Malcolm Rifkind, MP, the Rt. Hon. Sir Manzies Campbell, MP, Mrs. Sarah Teather, MP (by registered mail) and Mr. Angus MacNeil, MP (by fax).
I have reasons to be confident that my allegations had been investigated, confirmed and included in the file that was submitted in 2007 by the Metropolitan police to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) that was in a position to make a final decision on the case. Prior to that and only a week after my letter to HMQ, the Metropolitan police arrested Ms. Ruth Turner, the closest aide of Tony Blair, widely referred to as "gate-keeper", who was specifically put in charge of inter-government relations. Lord Levy, the key fundraiser to Tony Blair, was equally arrested by the Metropolitan police. There was no connection between inter-government relations and cash-for-honours, unless my allegations are taken into account.
As far as I remember, Mr. John Yates who led the police inquiry and found himself under severe pressure from MPs, stated in the House of Commons in 2006, that his team needed additional time since they had received additional new information that allowed to consider the case from a different perspective.
I have reasons to be confident that at some point, due to highly sensitive nature of this case all parties that become aware of the circumstances reached a political arrangement for Mr. Blair to leave his position of the Prime Minister and no criminal charges to be launched against him or/and his close colleagues (Lord Levy and Ruth Turner). Not surprisingly, British politicians were not prepared to acknowledge directly or indirectly that the leader of British Labour party, acting Prime minister of the UK had agreed to accept financing for his re-election campaign from a foreign government (led by the "former" officer of foreign intelligence) in exchange for a consent to sell a major national asset.

I think I should mention that I am a former witness in a legal lawsuit that was launched in Washington, D.C. In 2005 by a group of US-based investors against the Russian Federation, Gazprom, Rosneft and a number of Russian government officials (Mr. Sechin and Mr. Kudrin) related to so-called "YUKOS case" (Allen, et at. V. Russian Federation, et al., Civil No. 05-2077, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, action for expropriation of YUKOS Oil Company).
In 2003-2005 I was employed by Gazprombank (financial arm of Gazprom) as a Head of Securities trading department. I was a key coordinator of all major transactions that were initiated by top management of the bank or Gazprom and involved securities or derivative financial instruments. In 2005 I send my reports to the Central Bank of Russia, Russian Financial Markets Federal Commission (FSFR) and General Prosecutor with my allegations related to illegal and dubious, in my view, financial transactions. My employment with the bank was terminated shortly after my reports.
When I made a decision to claim asylum in the UK I was not yet aware what in particular was behind some suspicious financial transactions that involved a leading London-based banking institution, an offshore company registered in Dublin, British nationals that acted as consultants and intermediaries.
I have been persecuted by the Russian authorities since 2005. I have reasons to be certain that the British authorities had been cooperating with the Russian authorities and refused my asylum application in 2007 irrespective of the fact that I was a witness in the legal lawsuit launched in the US.
Recently I have requested asylum on political grounds in Lithuania (EU member as well as the UK). Currently I am residing in the Centre for asylum seekers located in Pabrade, small town not far from Vilnius and waiting for an appropriate decision of immigration authorities that is expected within 2 - 5 months. Unfortunately, since my allegations, in my view, are much more sensitive for the British authorities than for the Russians, I think I have more reasons to expect something dire might happen to me here in Lithuania due to the endeavours taken by the British intelligence.
I am sure that the final document submitted to CPS by Mr. John Yates should have contained the confirmation of my allegations. I am wondering if there is any chance to find any unbiased and independent journalists (or someone else who may have similar public concerns) who may be in a position to launch a relevant inquiry?
I have tried many times to contact the British mass media regarding the allegations but there was almost no feedback, not to mention any publicity to my allegations. Only once The Jewish news published my Letter to the Editor (in summer 2007) related to ordeals of refused asylum seekers in the UK.
I have equally tried to contact (with some documents attached) Wikileaks, Ms. Heather Brooke and Mr. Michael Gillard and others. Unfortunately all my efforts have been to no avail and usually there was no feedback whatsoever. Based on my experience I tend to distrust mass media in general since it seems the professionals in this area prefer to use any sensitive information either to their benefit and pass it to any interested party or group or harsh up anything that may significantly damage interests of authorities and thus to avoid any pressure. That happened in the UK and that happened in Russia as well. Russian press had provided coverage to some of my allegations only after my witness statement was included in the amended legal lawsuit filed in the USA in July 2006 (related to YUKOS case mentioned earlier) and became available in the internet.
Do you think that in case my allegations are supported by any additional proof provided by another, alternative source, anyone may trust Tony Blair as a special envoy in Middle East talks? In case he was prepared to accept cash "incentive" or "loan" while he was Prime Minister of the UK (and I am confident that he accepted it indeed), is there ANYTHING to stop him from being biased and to act against any peaceful solution of tensions in the Middle East ?
Equally, if Mr. Putin and Gazprom were in a position to reach such arrangement and influence the top political leaders of the UK, what may prevent the Russian authorities, taking into account their aggressive political ambitions and strong tendency to use gas supplies as a political tool, to influence other members of the EU ?
In my view, it's very important to publish the allegations. Firstly, my constant attempts have been the main tool of my physical survival. Secondly, I do truly believe that this information is of paramount importance for the general public since that shows the true, unseemly and undisguised face of the current politics.
I will highly appreciate any comment and your kind advice and suggestions.

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Post Date: 21st Mar, 2012 - 10:03am / Post ID: #

Putin And Tony Blair: A Secret Arrangement
A Friend

Arrangement Secret Blair Tony Putin

My asylum request was refused two weeks after I had sent the letter to Tony Blair and political editors of several London-based newspapers.

16 January 2007


Mr. Tony Blair
10 Downing Street

Dear Mr. Blair,

I, Victor [..], a 37-years old Russian national and a former investment banker, have recently reported to the Metropolitan Police my allegations against the leadership of UK Labour party and my concerns for my life and security.

Based on my experience I am convinced that Russian President Putin and Gazprom using Gazprombank (my former employer) had provided the UK Labour party with a loan of approximately 4,5 million pounds prior to election campaign of 2005. I am confident that Labour government approval of the sale of UK largest energy retailer Centrica to Russian government-controlled gas giant Gazprom had been stipulated before the loan was provided. The fact that Labour government hasn't yet expressed an unequivocal consent to such a sale is apparently one of the major reasons for a recent deterioration in British-Russian relations and quite an aggressive policy of the Russian authorities and Gazprom regarding British interests in Russia.

I have reported two relevant transactions to Lancashire Constabulary on 13.11.2006 (case 38EQ/141106) and to Deputy Assistant Commissioner John Yates (letters dated 16.11.2006; 23.11.2006 and 07.12.2006). Unfortunately there is still absolutely no response from the Metropolitan Police to my concerns and apparently no inquiry has been made.

I have also sent a number of letters to Deputy Assistant Commissioners of the Metropolitan Police Mr. Peter Clarke (letters dated 23.11.2006; 14.12.2006) where I highlighted that my life and security is in real danger and asked for support and a relevant inquiry to be made since I am convinced that there might be further attempts of my assassination. Both the Metropolitan and local police have refrained completely from embarking on any investigation. In my view this fact itself and the treatment of my asylum case by the Home Office are a further strong proof that my allegations are absolutely true.

It should be mentioned that as a former Head of Securities trading Department of Gazprombank (second largest Russian bank), I witnessed to many dubious and in my view illegal financial transactions initiated by the management and by Gazprom. After I had reported my allegations to the Russian regulatory and law enforcement bodies I was fired from the bank. I won the legal lawsuit against my former employer on 24.06.2006 and tried to present my allegations as a proof that I had been fired illegally. On 13.07.2005 my employment was terminated "on mutual consent". I have arrived in the UK on 28.08.2005 although I have been into UK for many times before both on business and for leisure and had a work permit in 1994. Some further developments in Russia forced me to apply for asylum in the UK on 25.10.2005. Currently I am living in accommodation provided by NASS and share a small terraced house with several other asylum seekers.

In march 2006 I have provided the US-based legal firm Covington and Burling with a very important information regarding some dubious and illegal transactions initiated by the management of Gazprom and its banking arm Gazprombank. The information that I have provided was used in a legal lawsuit that have been launched in Washington, D.C. By 12 US-based minority shareholders of Russian oil company YUKOS against Russian Federation, a number of top government officials, members of President's administration, Gazprom and its management and a number of other related defendants (the amendment to this lawsuit containing this information was launched on 13.07.2006). That fact has received publicity both in Moscow and in London.

Last year Gazprom had revealed plans to sell up to 30% of Gazprombank to Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, London for about USD 800 million. That transaction was expected to be closed in the first quarter of 2006. According to this plan the management of that bank was hoping to receive at least 10% stake in the bank's equity. There were further plans to launch an initial public offering (IPO) of that bank at the London Stock Exchange in the beginning of 2007. Clearly my allegations that have received publicity both in Moscow and in London had interfered in those ambitious plans and changed them substantially.

Those who have been interested in my assassination were planning to eliminate me as a witness in a way that would appear as a matter of a natural course (illness similar to pneumonia or an explosion of an old heating system or etc.). In order to achieve that purpose they require someone living very close to me. That could only be another asylum seeker. Thus and on the basis of the unfair treatment of my asylum case from the Home Office (both IND and NASS) I am absolutely sure that the Home Office is directly involved in attempts of my assassination.

Furthermore on the basis of my experience I am absolutely sure that MI6 have been also involved. I am sure that MI6 has a division that have been recruiting young single Kurdish men from Iran. They are promised support with applications for asylum, financial support and a relevant training and future employment in the field of intelligence. In the meantime while still waiting for a decision from the Home Office they might be instructed to monitor other asylum seekers and to execute any other job like the use of a poisoned tea or an installation of some explosive (like I am sure have happened in my case).

I have written several letters to Home Secretary John Reid (19.05.2006; 18.06.2006; 17.11.2006) expressing my concerns and believe that the Home Office after a relevant consultation with Foreign Office is treating my asylum case in unfair manner with unnecessary delay. I have made him aware of my allegations against the leadership of a Labour party. I am sure that you are well aware of all that.

I would like to stress that it have never been just a matter of my life and safety although my life have been in real danger indeed. Somehow I have fallen in love with this country long before I first visited UK on business in 1992 although I have never expected that any circumstances would force me to seek asylum here. I am sure that a pity and shame that I do feel for domestic and foreign policies of this Labour government and that are incompatible with the interests of this nation are almost similar to feelings of many British citizens.

I do hope that my allegations and results of a proper and impartial police investigation will eventually be made public since I am sure that it is a matter of high public concern. I do hope that neither you nor any of your colleagues at the Labour government would be able to suppress my allegations being made public and prevent the course of justice.

I would like to make you aware that I have sent copies of this letter to several newspapers.

Victor [..]

Edited Message Edited...
Persephone: Do not use real names and addresses here. See Constructive Posting Policy.

21st Mar, 2012 - 1:53pm / Post ID: #

Putin And Tony Blair: A Secret Arrangement History & Civil Business Politics

How does broadcasting this all over the internet make your life safer? If they wanted you removed because they felt you had some kind of valuable information then you would probably have ended up like that Russian scientist with radioactive poison in your veins.

International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 100 ActivistPoliticianJunior Politician 10%

22nd Mar, 2012 - 1:34am / Post ID: #

Arrangement Secret Blair Tony Putin

I'm reading what you have to say and the first thing I looked for was the proof but all you said was it was based off your experience. Now even if you were verified with your info, what do you expect them do for you?

International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 18 ActivistPoliticianNew Activist 1.8%

Post Date: 22nd Mar, 2012 - 10:05am / Post ID: #

Putin And Tony Blair: A Secret Arrangement
A Friend

Arrangement Secret Blair Tony Putin

First of all, it is not just based on my experience. I have some evidence. What I do lack though is an assistance on verification from other sources and parties involved. And specifically comments from Yohn Yates and a chance for someone to look through the file that the metropolitan police had submitted to cps in 2007.
once there is an unequivocal and reliable confirmation from other sources and relevant comments I need someone to make all relevant efforts to publish the story. I do sincerely think that it should be published to make general public aware. It is not just a matter of life and death for me.

Edited Message Edited...
Persephone: Do not Post in all CAPS!

Post Date: 23rd Mar, 2012 - 9:33am / Post ID: #

Putin And Tony Blair: A Secret Arrangement
A Friend

Putin And Tony Blair: A Secret Arrangement

Thank you so much for your comment.
They (both the Russians and the British) had already tried to remove me prior to my letters to different bodies and mass media. Then they were forced to change their tactics. Yes, my asylum case was refused. Yes, my life is miserable and I am destitute. I have been under surveillance. But I am alive and I am still fighting. They can only envisage some plot that may look as a natural course. But that have proved to be rather difficult.
There are two main reasons for what I am doing. Firstly, there is no sense in trying to neutralize "a bomb" once it has exploded. Right ? Especially when there are many people around who may have realized who had been acting behind the scene, in whose interests I would have been removed. Once anything dire happened to me that would attract additional attention to my allegations. Secondly, and as I have mentioned earlier, I truly think that general public should be aware of the story. I am certain it should be in public domain. It's not just an issue of my personal safety. Equally, there are several other topics that are directly connected to this story. But first of all, I need THIS story to be published. The story is just a beginning.
By the way, I was quite intrigued by your reference to my "broadcasting this all over the internet". I haven't done that yet but I do appreciate your kind suggestion. I have only sent my emails to many newspapers to no avail and posted the story on three Russian-speaking forums (where they were removed after I left Russia for Lithuania). But you obviously are not aware of that unless you are employed either by my Russian or my British well-wishers. Good advice. I"ll think about that.

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Post Date: 26th Mar, 2012 - 8:42am / Post ID: #

Putin And Tony Blair: A Secret Arrangement
A Friend

Putin Tony Blair Secret Arrangement

Tony Blair himself was interviewed several times by the police investigators from "cash-for-honours" inquiry team lead by John Yates. The last interview took place after my letter to Her Majesty the Queen (dated 15.01.2007). Before that interview there were leaks to mass media that the police team were planning to question Mr. Blair "under caution" which by itself was considered as just one step prior to be presented with criminal charges by the police. The police investigators, as was quoted by the British mass media, were considering incriminating perjury and preventing of the cause of justice to Ruth Turner, Lord Levy and apparently, to Tone Blair as well. As was equally leaked to the press the office of Prime minister had assured the Metropolitan police that once Tony Blair had been invited for an interview "under caution" he would have presented his resignation to the Queen. The police team had chosen to be more cautious and interviewed Tony Blair as a witness again taking into account high sensitivity of the issue. Even in case they thought they had had enough unequivocal evidence at that time to prove the case beyond any reasonable doubt they were not in a position to make a final decision that could have completely destabilized the politics of the UK.
I do strongly believe in the following. If the final file submitted in 2007 by special police team led by John Yates to the Crown Prosecution Service had been made public, it would have revealed that Tony Blair was guilty of perjury and preventing the cause of justice (which is a felony). Equally, I do think that Tony Blair acting in a position of the prime-minister of the UK and a leader of the British Labour party had committed an act of treason by accepting cash from Russian authorities and Gazprom in exchange for an arrangement to guarantee British government" consent to sell Centrica (British Gaz) to Russian Gazprom.
To my regret, my experience and ordeals have persuaded me that top officials and leading politicians are well above law not only in Russia ... It was a very sad discovery for me to realize that almost the whole state system in the UK - Home Office, NASS, intelligence (most probably both MI5 and MI6) as well as legal counsels and judges of Immigration and Asylum Tribunal (IAT) were all involved in the process of allowing the top British official to commit his abuse of power and participated in a well-coordinated campaign of persecuting me and forcing me to return back to Russia to their Russian "colleagues". With the exception of the police team led by John Yates British police (both local and Metropolitan) had acted rather controversially. Mass media refrained from an independent journalist inquiry and the opposition preferred to bargain a deal. They had apparently decided that they would not benefit anything from making laymen public aware of the issue.
If I had been some Russian crook with a fortune hidden in different offshore jurisdictions I would surely have been much more welcome in the UK. But since I am a decent person who knows too much and not prepared to succumb to pressure from authorities I am equally not welcome neither in Russia not in the UK.
Time will show if I have better chances here in Lithuania. In any case, my Russian and British "well-wishers" won't leave me alone wherever I reside.

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