I have been designated to start this thread wherein the Game Master may post relevant news with regards to the game, upgrades and changes. Be on your guard and remain alert.
Tenaheff brought it to my attention that you cannot see your equipment from your profile. So rather than add it there I decided to create your own equipment page! This will be accessible through the little RPG stats box in your posts. Look for 'Check Equipment'. This will lead you to a page that has various stats. It will be upgraded in the future, but for now you can see what you have as part of your items!
New Stats
To help everyone enjoy the game more and mostly to help me keep track of all these characters - I have made the following changes:
1. On your posts you will notice a new link called, 'Party Stats', click on it and it will take you to a page showing the stats of everyone. I am this very moment updating it. Keep checking during the day and you will eventually see your character there if not before.
2. 'View Equipment' is now 'View History' and this page will be set up so you can give a history (if you wish) of your charcter. ( I will work on this later).
UPDATE: Okay, I am working fast here and was able to complete #1 and #2 above.
In place of where you had your stats you will now see a number followed by a level name, for example: 'Five - Adept'. Starters always begin with 'Zero - Wannabe' so do not feel bad
As was said above to check your stats and the stats of the party click the new 'Party Stats' button in your posts.
Make sure to update your character RPG History - this replaces RPG Equipment. You can edit it via your profile.
Now... one with the scenario.
RPG Notes!
Now you can also keep track of your current adventure by adding notes only you can see! Check here: https://www.bordeglobal.com/foruminv/index.php?act=rpgbuddy Remember this can be updated via your profile.
Also keep in mind that you can purchase a Face for Your Character via the Shop!
Good News!
We felt the need to ensure that the World of Medieval stays official - so what better way to do that thn to have:
For those of you who can't seem to find the map we have created an easy to locate link in your RPG control bar within all the Medieval Board threads. Simply look for 'View Map' and click on it. We will maintain this link for future maps.
Your Character History link has been renamed to 'History' to facilitate the change above. Remember you can enter info about your character as well as secret notes that are not viewable by RPGers.
Take the TIME to READ
It is in the benefit of you and your character if you READ the FAQ, tips, rules and suggestions given in ALL the stick threads. It prevents the following:
1. You asking questions that have been answered
2. Your character ending up dead before time
3. You doing silly things in the storyline that ends up in everyone's character dead
4. You annoying the Bots and / or Admin to the point they have to take away your RPG status or delete your acount