My daughter is being raised as a wiccan but I plan on giving her an overview on other beliefs (the internet is so useful for this) and how they celebrate the seasons in comparison to the way we do. I'm hoping that with this she will grow up to respect all religions and have a good basis when she is of an age to choose her path.
I have an interesting reset of beliefs. While I still believe my kids need something to hold onto, I question imposing beliefs on them. The reason for this is that my parents continue to try to impose beliefs on me.
As well, my wife and I believe differently. I am an agnostic, who now questions the existence of God, while my wife is a Deist who believes that God exists but does not take an active roll in our lives. So what should we really impose on our children? Which belief would best help them? Or would it be better to ensure that they know we are there for them and let them find their own beliefs?
Imposing a belief in God would necessarily go against my belief system and they would indeed see my hypocrisy. Without hypocrisy to get in the way, what would they choose, deism or something else? How can I, who so thoroughly made up my own mind, by myself, through my own deep study, think to impose anything on my children? I have in fact rejected that idea while I was supporting it in an act of hypocrisy thats really makes me question my entire last post on the subject.
In essence, I cannot condone the imposing of beliefs of on my children because I don't support any religious beliefs myself. I feel that it is for their own benefit, they need to know the truth for themselves. I have buried feelings of betrayal and even anger because my parents imposed their beliefs on me, some of which I found were not true, and that they had done as many do and changed their interpretations of beliefs to ensure my adherence to what they believed. Much of it had nothing to do with actual belief but with obedience. Imposing beliefs on young children puts a mighty power in your hands that can be and often is misused and abused. I don't know the right answer to this question, but I will not impose religious beliefs on my children any more, but will give them access to all the resources they need to chose their own beliefs. I will give the both sides for any religion they are curious about and will not hinder their beliefs, even if they chose to be fundamentalist christians as I was raised. Its their life, and they need to be able to have a foundation steeped in their own study to fall back on.
Konquererz, I feel that you are taking the right stance, as regards to helping your children.
So many parents are so strict enforcing their own personal beliefs on their kids. You obviously have found this for yourself throughout your life, and yet have never stated resolutely that no way would your children never have any choice in the matter because you don't believe in it.
I admire you in the fact, that if your children do decide to check out any religion, then so be it, you will help them.Do you realize, that so many parents do not have the ability or thought to do this for their kids?They are so 'hooked' up on forcing their own beliefs, that 'free choice' goes out of the window.
At least your children will not be afraid to feel that they can come and ask you something, and search for themselves.
I don't know anything about your wife's beliefs to comment, but I do feel it is great as a family you can take this stance.There would be nothing worse than you imposing what you believe on your kids, then they decide it has no relevence to truth in it. They would probably doubt everything that you had ever told them, if they found just a couple of things that you have told them to be untrue!
I don't think imposing any religion on kids is right. They deserve a chance to pick what they believe in on their own. Just saying.
Being able to choose for yourself is almost a myth today though, so much of parenting is nudging children to make acceptable choices.
This is a problem, but an understandable instinct on the parents part.
Some parents think their religion is the “true” religion and tend to force their beliefs on them. I was raised Southern Baptist and when I finally “came out” as an atheist to my father he got mad and said “Well just go to Hell with the rest of the sinners.” with my 5 yr old nephew it here.
A little late to the post but I believe you should introduce your child to multiple religions as to create an understanding of them. Whether they want to follow one or not is up to them. Granted the younger ones will just follow what you do as they grow they will learn more for themselves.