Hollande approval rate doubles in wake of Paris terror attacks:
Ifop polling institute said President François Hollande's approval rate had more than doubled, from 19% to 40%, in the wake of the deadly terrorist attacks against satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket in Paris. Ref. Source 6
This is Francois Hollande's moment to shine or it will break his political career in two. France's intelligence is lacking, they need more people in between these fanaticals.
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 87 8.7%
French President Francois Hollande says 'horror has struck France again'
"France as a whole is under the threat of Islamic terrorism," Hollande said following the truck attack in Nice that killed at least 77. "This is an absolute horror, and it is clear we have to do everything to make sure we can fight against the scourge of terrorism." Hollande also extended the nation's state of emergency, which was expected to end July 26, by three months. Ref. USAToday.