Racial Requirement In Movies? - Page 2 of 2

ASIANS UNDERREPRESENTED "The King of - Page 2 - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 16th Jun, 2005 - 11:42am

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7th Jul, 2004 - 3:43am / Post ID: #

Racial Requirement In Movies? - Page 2

That is a good point you made about the show 'Friends'. For a long time they did not have a minority actor on the show and many critics made the same observation. Finally in the last 2 seasons they added a minority female as Ross' love interest to shoo the critics away. As for movies, I have never heard of 'affirmative action' happening there. Hollywood directors and filmmakers are much more harsh about their selection process for cast members, and race is usually not one of the criteria.

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7th Jul, 2004 - 3:51am / Post ID: #

Movies Requirement Racial

The thing is that Hollywood Directors, do not want to hear an 'accent' and that's why so many Latinos or Asian actors make a special course to get rid of their accent and have a neutral one. Since I am a Latina, I know a little more about it, I don't know much about the other minorities. I know Hollywood looks for the 'white latino' type for the movies or TV, not the 'dark' type one.

7th Jul, 2004 - 2:16pm / Post ID: #

Racial Requirement In Movies? Sports & Fashion Music Movies

I know Hollywood looks for the 'white latino' type for the movies or TV, not the 'dark' type one.

I have heard that this is even MORE apparant in Mexican filmmaking and TV. I have read several articles where the authors discuss the fact that most Mexican soap operas and movies are filled with blonde, blue-eyed Mexicans. I don't remember if any of the articles discussed other Latin American countries.

8th Jul, 2004 - 1:53pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Movies Requirement Racial

I have heard that this is even MORE apparant in Mexican filmmaking and TV. I have read several articles where the authors discuss the fact that most Mexican soap operas and movies are filled with blonde, blue-eyed Mexicans. I don't remember if any of the articles discussed other Latin American countries.

This is VERY true. The blonde and blue eyes Mexican actors/actresses always portrait the 'rich and poweful' in the soap operas and the dark ones always portrait 'the poor' type. Just like Hollywood likes to put Latina actresses as maids in most movies but I do think slowly thanks to a couple of succesful Latinos actors/actresses that is changing.
In India this is even more crazy. All the actresses look white European, you will not think they are Indians! I have never seen so far an Indian recent movie where the star is a typical brown skinned Indian., with typical Indian features.
A SouthAfrican actress won recently a contest for a role in an Indian movie and she was told she could not participate because she was 'too dark'. I live in a country where half of the population are Indian descendants and yes, this 'racism' happens even between themselves.

Post Date: 25th Aug, 2004 - 9:52am / Post ID: #

Racial Requirement In Movies?
A Friend

Movies Requirement Racial

It would make sense for the directors to have many races of people in their movies as this is what would be found in the real world

Post Date: 16th Jun, 2005 - 11:42am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Racial Requirement In Movies?


"The King of Queens" is set in a New York City borough where almost one in five residents is Asian American -- yet none of the CBS sitcom's regular characters is Asian. And of the dozens of regular characters in CBS' entire prime-time line-up, not one is Asian.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1%2C1249%2C...41677%2C00.html

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