Universidad Federico HenrÃquez y Carvajal
Reviews are needed for the educational institution known as Universidad Federico HenrÃquez y Carvajal?
If you have attended Universidad Federico HenrÃquez y Carvajal then please tell us what you consider to be the best courses offered at Universidad Federico HenrÃquez y Carvajal as well as the current fees.
Anything else you think a prospective student might like to know about Universidad Federico HenrÃquez y Carvajal?
Name: Luis
Title: UFHyC Accreditation
Comments: I looked up Universidad Federico Henriquez y Carvajal in Google Search and apparently it isn't accredited in the USA.
Searches brought that it is not accredited by CHEA and several states, like California.
At least, not its medical school.
This means that its degrees are worthless in the USA and its territories.
They don't mention anything about accreditation in their site.
I checked Universidad Central del Este, USA accredited, and they only mention a recognition.
Apparently, accreditation is not an issue in Dominican Republic.
People can work in DR using UFHyC degrees.
Check in your State and country if they recognize UFHyC degrees.
Check with the government institution that accredits Higher Education Institutions where you live.