Do you use our Singles Corner? If so what do you think about it, would you like to see more, if so, what? Do you think there should be a board for Singles in general besides those from Trinidad & Tobago or who are LDS?
I don't really "use" the singles corner, because there isn't much there to use, frankly. I visit once in a while to check on things, but that's about it.
I don't really know what could be added. We aren't really a "single's site," per se, but a discussion forum. Most singles using the internet are not used to that, and don't understand how things work here.
A different section for "other" singles, besides T&T and LDS, might be useful to attract other singles. But again, they might have the same reaction our other singles do and not understand our main purpose here (which is not dating).
In my opinion, of course.
Those are some good points and I guess most singles want to do everything in secret hence they shy from discussion. However, I thought that if someone was really interested in getting to know someone else that they would find a forum ideal since it allows you to get a glimpse of the way the person thinks by the way they post. We did think about putting up a general singles section, but we weren't sure what kind of theme and rules that should be there. I once thought of starting a snail mail board for users that still like the old fashion way.
what kind of theme and rules that should be there. |
Should there be any focus on singles again? I noticed that since the closure of the Singles boards we rarely have anyone announcing that they are 'single and looking'. We also have an actual page for Singles, but I am not sure anyone even observes it?