Name: DaddyO
Title: Visitor
Comments: I'll be coming to Trinidad with a small group, including teenagers, to do some work in remote areas. Is it possible/legal for me to obtain/carry a firearm while I'm there?
Name: DaddyO
Comments: Forgive my ignorance, but based on what I've been reading online - especially this site - it seemed prudent to look into my options for self-defense. My contact in Trini has also discussed the risk of kidnap for ransom, and since I will be escorting a group that includes teenage girls, figured I'd ask.
Other sites have indicated that a foreigner carrying a firearm in Trini is impossible to do legally. If I've gotten bad info and things are safer than they appear - great!
The laws of Trinidad & Tobago with regards to any type of firearm or archaic weapons are very strict. Essentially only local military and police can carry firearms. The exception to this is private business owners who are high risk targets - they can apply and get a firearm permit. You can also hirer out armed security officers if you need someone with a firearm around. With regards to crime it is prevalent but like all things you need to be cautious of where you are going and who you are going with for the day. If you have a local representative you can trust all should go well - stay in groups and be on guard.