Premium Plus
Recently the Architect was considering making a section for Premium Plus members with even more features. Why not simply add it to the existing Premium Members Section you may ask? Well, according to the Architect, there is enough there already, but we want to add even more stuff and features and expand accounts! So that members are repaid for their efforts, after all, members who give more should get more!
* Adding polls
* More FP to spend
* More Gil to fight with
* Your own web page to edit how you like
* The ability to attach (upload images on certain boards)
* Posting of resumes, etc
* And more...
Do tell us what you think as well as features you would like to have.
I am not even a premium member but am seriously contemplating becoming one, and if there is going to be a premium plus then I would definitely want to see what is included in that package over the regular premium one. The ability to upload images is very enticing and a webpage also sounds great. Would this webpage be accessible outside the forum. ie, could I give it to users who are not registered, and they would then be able to view my webpage and nothing else on the forum until they registered? Could be useful as a marketing tool for users who are interested in the forum or web hosting services if that were the case.
Yes, the web page will be public, just like the classifieds board. You will be able to create your web page using the built in wizard and then show it off to your friends, etc. To see some examples check the Amateur section of our Modeling site: https://www.bordeglobal.com/foruminv/index.php?showforum=98
We are cooking with gas now. The new Premium Plus page is available and online here: https://www.bordeglobal.com/foruminv/index....act=premiumplus
Features that are different than what the Premium members get is highlighted in bold and a white background.
No need to apologize, I figured as much. Just wanted to make sure before making a decision. Thanks for the info.
Well in your deliberation we just added the following feature to it:
Q. What is the purpose of the above button?
A. You will see this button or similar to it on each thread you visit. This function is for Premium Plus Members, it allows them to add a thread to a special page that they can track. They can even make it accessible to the public so that others can see the type of messages they are most interested in. Users that like to discuss certain ideals will especially like this.
If it is too dear for you, just take the Premium membership.