Varian Fry was an American journalist who helped anti-Nazi refugees escape from France, this included many of the Jews who would of lost their lives had they stayed. In the later part of his life Varian died alone, but he did leave many detailed experiences and photos that have even led to the creation of a movie about what he did.
"After Germany invaded France in June 1940, the Emergency Rescue Committee, a private American relief organization, sent Fry to France to aid anti-Nazi refugees who were in danger of being arrested by the Gestapo (German secret state police). In Marseille, Fry's network of accomplices forged documents and created clandestine escape routes. He offered aid to antifascist refugees, both Jews and non-Jews, threatened with extradition to Nazi Germany under Article 19 of the Franco-German armistice (the "Surrender on Demand" clause)."
Ref. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsourc...graphy/fry.html
I saw the movie about this story - it is truly amazing to me that such people exist on earth, but I wonder if there was merit in only looking for certain 'kinds' of people to rescue? I guess he was working out of his bounds so he had no choice.
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