"Kolob, signifying the first creation, nearest to the celestial, or the residence of God. First in government, the last pertaining to the measurement of time. The
measurement according to celestial time, which celestial time signifies one day to a cubit. One day in Kolob is equal to a thousand years according to the measurement of this earth, which is called by the Egyptians Jah-oh-eh." ("Book of Abraham" in The Pearl of Great Price, 1976 printing, p.35) [1981 printing, p. 37].
What do you really know about Kolob besides the fact that is  the nearest star to the residence of God?. You  can add all the info you have in here so we can all discuss it.
Well we know Kolob may be in the constellation of Cancer. What else?:
" And thus there shall be the reckoning of the time of one planet above another, until thou come nigh unto Kolob, which Kolob is after the reckoning of the Lord's time; which Kolob is set nigh unto the throne of God, to govern all those planets which belong to the same order as that upon which thou standest." ( Book of Abraham  Translation by Prophet Joseph Smith,  from hieroglyphics on papyrus)(Facsimile 1).
There is a very interesting link about it that explains what LDS writter Hugh B. Nibley has to say about this subject, I would recommend to read this link:
I was very interested in the contents of the link posted about Kolob and the Temples I must admit I learnt quite alot, it is a very deep doctrine I wish there was more material available to learn about this subject. The universe is so big and there are so many unanswered questions, it is great that the Lord is beginning to enlighten us to the mysteries of the realms beyond this earth.
I believe if we had the scroll of Joseph we might know more about this. When I read these kinds of things it reminds me how small we are. In The Book of Moses it says that after Moses saw the universe and God's creation that physically he became weak because it was so overwhelming.
I'm still looking into this, but there is a lot of significance attributed to Sirius, the Dog Star, in ancient Egyptian culture as well as others. It was considered a governing star in relation to the Earth. I'm in the process of moving right now which means the book with some of this information is in a box right now, but if I can get to it, I'll get more details. I'd be interested to know if anyone else has delved into this topic and can offer me some new references, as well.
Well we know Kolob may be in the constellation of Cancer. What else?: |
Some Latter Day Saint apologists assert that Kolob derives from a Semitic root. On the origin of the word, Michael D. Rhodes states: The word most likely derives from the common Semitic root QLB, which has the basic meaning of "heart, center, middle" (Arabic qalb "heart, center"; Hebrew qereb "middle, midst", qarab "to draw near"; Egyptian m-q3b "in the midst of"). In fact, qalb forms part of the Arabic names of several of the brightest stars in the sky, including Antares, Regulus, and Canopus. |
Kolob is two fold in meaning,
1 a real physical place
2. a nother name for the Son of god I.E. fist creation.
Now for it to be physical that I do not doubt, it would have to be in the center of the universe, and that part most scientist know of but it is shrouded in a dust cloud that keeps a lot light in. they say if that cloud of dust was removed then we on earth would never have a night. some thing to think on there.
Message Edited! Persephone: If you are going to participate here then you must read our Constructive Posting Policy and abide by it. Use proper grammar and check your spelling BEFORE posting. This is your second post edited by me. |
I know this topic has sort of stopped, but I was wondering where you got this info:
Now for it to be physical that I do not doubt, it would have to be in the center of the universe, and that part most scientist know of but it is shrouded in a dust cloud that keeps a lot light in. they say if that cloud of dust was removed then we on earth would never have a night. some thing to think on there. |
I just spent considerable amount of time searching for an answer that was posed:
JohnnyUtah asked:
I was wondering where you got this info: |
Now for it to be physical that I do not doubt, it would have to be in the center of the universe, and that part most scientist know of but it is shrouded in a dust cloud that keeps a lot light in. they say if that cloud of dust was removed then we on earth would never have a night. some thing to think on there. |