Superman the comic hero has been and probably still is the best hero of them all. He was the first and will most likely reign invinsible among the others (even though they made him weaker in recent years). However the question is this...
If superman was not invented who would of been the 'best'?
I think the modern Wonder Woman might have taken the role. Batman is too independent and really is over-exaggerated. He really has no super power per sey, just super gadgets. However, Wonder Woman now flies and has similar powers to Superman.
Well, it depends on what you mean by "best". If you mean strongest and most noble, Superman keeps his crown. But if you mean most popular, he lost that position a long time ago to Wolverine. Comic book readers nowdays prefer the cynical anti-hero to the noble but aging hero.
Wolverine? In my opinion he may be the new 'liked' character, but certainly is not very powerful (metal with blade hands, superman could bend him and twist him in a knot) and I doubt with his attitude you could get him to be a real leader among the other heroes. Hence that is why I picked Wonder Woman, very powerful, leader type, takes no bologna... but that is of course the modern Wonder Woman, since the older one could not fly and was not as strong.
He was not killed per sey... no one can really 'kill' Superman, if they did that it would truly mean the end of an era and then end of the world as we know it
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