A man that can do things really fast. Sometimes you have to wonder why humans make variants of things so much - is it just to sell more stuff? Superman for instance is already fast, strong, and so on, but they create a new superhero and limit him to one power that a character like Superman has. What is your review of the character known as 'The Flash'.
Original Medium: Comic books
Published by: DC Comics
First Appeared: 1956
Creators: Julius Schwartz and Carmine Infantino
Ref. https://www.toonopedia.com/flash2.htm
I like Flash for the attitude he brings to the JLA. Speed may be his only power but that can be used well. It always seems that he is faster than Superman, I don't know if this is true cause I've never realy researched it, but I'm sure someone else could tell me.
I don't realy like Flash alone, but hes great with the JLA.
The following site lists it in detail, it seems they have had to race quite often:
I still think that the speed power is under-rated. Imagine somebody with a sword having that kind of speed. He will chop anything and anybody in one second without resistance. Running around to form a tornado seems so stupid. The real superpower of flash is in deed his sarcasm.
Super speed is the best. No matter how powerful a character is you could escape fast or reach there before they could do anything. Maybe the Flash's power hasn't really been considered as much as the others because he kind of behaves like immature.