Name: Henry
Comments: Do you think that a party that consists of only wizards can survive a typical adventure?
It depends upon the level. At lower levels a party of wizards would be too fragile and wouldn't do too well. At higher levels I think the all wizard party would do extremely well. They have spells for all occasions. The various wizards can make sure that there isn't too much spell overlap and they could cover almost anything that comes up. I would say from 5th level on would up be fine. 5th level is the threshold that really boosts their power. It gives them their first game changing spells such as fireball and lightning bolt.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 14th Dec, 2017 - 1:02pm
If they were careful and took their time I can see a party of pure magic users being able to survive and get stronger as they go up in level. Once the get of higher level they would be even better at clearing stuff out but you would still need to be careful as a mage can still be overcome easily.