Name: George
Title: Dominican refugees
Comments: The Prime Minister is displaying the lack of foresight which is prevalent among many of our politicians and those in positions of authority here when he offered to accommodate the people of Dominica. It is one thing offering help to your neighbors in distress but itis quite another asking them to move in your home. We have enough problems here already much allocated to illegal immigrants and other worthless citizens who find that crime here pays. We also have growing poverty, rising unemployment, and economic problems and by the look of present situation it is is going to get worse.We have problems with the enforcement of law and order, shortages of medicine and proper medical care and a multitude of assorted problems. How on earth are the local authorities going to cope with having a sudden influx of refugees? The suspicion that this is a ploy by M Rowley to strengthen his chance of winning the next election may in his eyes it may seem a good idea .However, if this is so, he is again putting his party and political supremacy before thinking about the adverse future and lasting effects it is going to have on our citizens.Using aspects of the UN charter to introduce and support his intentions is ensuring that he gets away with such a scheme at the expense of our local citizens.
Name: George
Title: Accommodating the Dominicans
Comments: We are no longer rolling in money as in the days of the seventies. We are now considered as a developing country in financial difficulties.Well, that's what we have been led to believe by our politicians. All the signs are visible in the state of our economy. Those in positions of authority have ruined many of our once stable industries for the sake of the quick flow of dollars from our gas and oil resources which are now on the brink of depletion. There is no room for outsiders finding employment here. All they have to do here is jump on the criminal bandwagon or get government financial assistance to survive. The latest call from the Prime Minister to take in Dominicans seems a decent and compassionate idea,however, it would be far better notion if he asks the rich developed nations such as Canada, the USA, England, France, and Germany to accommodate the refugees not only from Dominica but from those other islands that have suffered the drastic effects from the hurricanes. The question is why this sudden urge by Mr. Rowley to help the Dominicans when we have had this sort of disaster which affected islands such as Haiti and other nearby nation in a bad way in the recent decades.