I'm not too terribly concerned about using my first name on my regular forums. It's not like I'm going to post my full name, phone number (some whacko could do a reverse lookup), social security number, etc. However, I rarely post my email addy on public boards. Heaven knows I get enough spam as it is. I sometimes sign a posts with "Chris a/k/a fugi" just to let others know I need not be addressed by my full handle. I'm not one for major formalities in forums I wish to call home.
One of the most irritating things for me is when users constantly give salutations in every post they make like 'Merry Christmas', 'Happy New Year', etc. Once is fine, but not in every post! Especially when you come during the middle of the year and you read a message saying 'Merry Christmas' .
I agree a lot with what fugitive says. I like using my first name here, sometimes, and rarely do I give out any other information, except maybe my immediate family's first names. I will of course give other information to the administrator, if needed. Do you want to know my bank account number?
I have a good imagination and look forward to rpging, but if I am posting about something personal, or if I am speaking to someone in a post, it just doesn't feel right to me unless I use my real name. I feel like I am being fake if I don't use it on personal experiences. It's almost as if I am saying, "These are my experiences, they were and are real , and these are my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs." I don't know why I feel that way, maybe I feel that I want to own my hard learned experiences and that I don't want them to be taken away? Hmm, I don't know. But this is just me, I don't mind other people's styles of posting at all.
I don't know if I have a posting "style" per say but I do pay a lot of attention to who started the thread and what the person wants to accomplish by it. So for instance I would be very relaxed in the jokes or rave section but I would try to be more consistent and serious in the LDS or International Issues board because basically we are discussing serious issues that concern us all. I always express how I think, it may not be a particular "style" but it's me!...I do not express necessarily how I feel about a certain thread, it all depends on the topic at hand.
I don't really have a posting style in the traditional sense. I do have some rules I like to follow though. I don't give out my real name in forum posts. Its like giving out your phone number. Anyone can put your name into a google search and find your phone number. I also prefer to be informed when I post. Its rather annoying and disappointing to find someone posting based on opinions because thats what they where taught. I don't like it, and I make sure I never post ignorantly. If I ever do, I would expect those of you who respect me to let me know of my ignorance so that I never slip into that habit.
I also try not to post with the same beginning statements all the time. It makes posts all sound the same.
I really think it depends on the category that I am providing feedback to. If it is say a reply to some celebrity's thread, the chances are I will have some sort of humorous post (or at least an attempt at humour) because I think celebrities are pretty funny in general. If it is on a religous topic, then I try to be respectful of both sides, but provide my opinion. If it is political, I am pretty biased.
I used to put various endings and my name to the posts, but did see the logic that these were really unnecessary in this forum.
You know I'd just like to apologize for my posting style. It seems that it makes JB a little peeved to read my posts since I punctuate usng dots on the end of words.
I'll try to be more constructive JB, you don't need to ask me to get off the forum for some dots man, okay?
Besides, if you read any of my posts you'll see that I have quite a bit to contribute here, and I would like to think that my contributions would be welcomed with the same respect as any other shared, literately communicated information.
Sorry about those dots, okay, I'm new here.