I would like to know how many Hello Kitty fans are out there? I am one! Since I was a little girl I collected Hello Kitty envelopes and letter head paper. Right now, I have a blackberry Hello Kitty case and got a Hello Kitty perfume. I would like to start collecting Hello Kitty stuff and I have seen quite a few items that aren't very expensive.
Hello Kitty is cute but I'm surprised that you like it so much, is it a childhood thing that you carried into your adult life? Don't worry, not judging you, big men still wear their Superman t-shirts so there is no argument there about these things carrying over, I was just wondering if it was a recent thing.
What's the big deal about Hello Kitty? Adults? Seriously? Recenly, Mc Donalds had a promotion selling Hello Kitty dolls but they had to cancel it.
These crazy adults is making a fool out of themselves! I wish these silly companies should ban all Hello Kitty toys and things from their stores and never bring them back, it doesn't help, really.
Edited: Felipe on 8th Jul, 2013 - 5:43pm
I guess someone has to like something 'cute' but for me the whole Hello Kitty thing is way out of proportion.