Understanding Jesus Christ
"Let's become a temple-attending and temple-loving people. I bear testimony that the temple is about families. I also testify that everything in the temple testifies of Jesus Christ. His example of love and service is felt there. The temple is His holy house. I know that He is the Son of God, our Savior, our Redeemer, our Mediator, and our Advocate with the Father. He loves us and wants our families to be happy and to be together forever. He wants all of us to be active in His temple."
Ref. (Richard H. Winkel, "The Temple Is About Families," Ensign, Nov. 2006, 11)
"The ordinances of the temple help us place the Savior at the center of our lives. That eternal perspective gives us greater peace of mind, more purpose for life, and a powerful motivation to live the commandments. In the temple, our understanding of the Savior's mission and our love for him grow. As a result, we find greater happiness in our lives and a deeper love for those about us. (Come unto Christ through Temple Ordinances and Covenants, booklet, Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1987, introduction). |
I think it is because life and it's activities can be such a distraction. We know that things are important but until we actually have Christ as the center of our lives, literally, so that every thought and action is based with Him in mind, we will continue to be easily distracted. I think that just establishing a habit of going regularly will help to combat that. It is a goal I am currently working on.
If we had a Temple here in Trinidad, I would be there every day for at least one session. What a great opportunity that would be! Imagine, to be in the Lord's house and be fed through the wonderful and sacred things we learn there daily! Beyond comprehension!