A young hafling walks up to the party. He has three, large mean looking dogs following him. They stop when he does, sitting taller than him standing.
The boy (around three feet tall) addresses you (squeakily), "You guy's huntin' centipedes? I could help yeh' for a price."
The boy looks like he isn't joking around. Being adventurers, your surprised to see he looks more battle hardened than you. He definitely looks like he can hold his own. Edited: Oliron on 14th Sep, 2012 - 6:10pm
Ziminar takes a good look at the halfling who is just over half his own size.
The three dogs stay very close to him and are clearly trained to fight hard and protect their master.
We can definitely need his help, but Ziminar is not sure the group can afford him. We can always offer a part of the reward as pay.
The others are also quite intrigued by those big dogs and place their hands on their weapons just to be ready when needed.
Ziminar says: what price are we talking about?
The halfling turns into a business man suddenly, "Look old man, I know how to get em. Gimme' 50 gold and I'm in."
The boy looks around (gets closer) and whispers harsh, "I found a nest."
The dogs just stare at you. Edited: Oliron on 15th Sep, 2012 - 1:11am
Ziminar looks the boy in the eyes and is not sure if the group can trust him.
Ziminar says:
Dear boy, I'm sure you are aware of what these centipedes are worth to the town of Kamdrogh.
If this nest truly exists and killing the centipedes in it will actually earn us a fair profit, you would have asked for more than 50 gold.
So before we can actually negotiate a price, you will have to give us some more information about this nest you found.
GM note: If you want to try and roll for sense motive you might be able to detect his trustworthiness that way. Otherwise a diplomacy check or possibly bluff or something along those lines may work.
The kid stops, turning about (talking softly and quickly) "Look, no more talk about the nest, not here. I can tell you more once we are on the road."
The halfling continues in comical high tone, "Just give me 25 gold now so I can get supplies for me and me dogs."
The halfling taps his tiny foot and has an unhappy expression. You are beginning to gather that this little guy is the act now ask questions later type. Fairly common with those of his age group. Edited: Oliron on 17th Sep, 2012 - 6:28pm
GM note: The boy is not old enough to understand what gold is worth exactly. He has a vauge understanding of negotiating from watching adults. This is not something your characters would necessarily know. I just thought this might help you players understand the npc a bit more.