SMF 1 to SMF 2 Importing Custom Fields
I recently had to do this for a client and it is a bit tricky.
In SMF 1 there is a Mod to make Custom Fields but in SMF 2 it is already built in but does not operate in the same way entirely.
To get SMF 1 Custom Fields to show in SMF 2 you first have to create a field in SMF 2 and then direct the SMF 1 field to the new name in SMF 2, confused yet?
1. To start the first thing you do is Upgrade SMF as normal after making a backup
2. You then go to SMF 2 and enable custom profile fields under core features in Admin
3. You then create a field. You can name it "first" as an example.
4. You then have to go to the database and under "smf_custom_fields" you look to see what it has been named. It might be something like this "cust_first".
5. You then look under "smf_themes" to find the corresponding data that you want to match with your new "first" custom field. The old SMF 1 named it like this "CP1".
6. In an SQL box you will then run the following code as an example to match up the fields:
Name: Staff
Comments: Thanks you for sharing that, but I'm kind of disappointed I found it late. I really wish I knew about this before I upgraded my forum and left the custom fields behind because I thought it couldn't be imported.