There is so much that has not been revealed concerning sexuality after resurrection, based primarily on the fact, I believe, that it is so misused here on Earth. I do not think there are many in the church who are ready for the facts of life, so to speak, when it come to Post Mortal Sex.
We are like a three years old who can handle a portion of the truth, but cannot or choose not to understand the fulness.
I would assume sexuality in Heaven is similar to the act here, but that it is more perfect and controlled (those who do not qualify for it cannot experience it or lose the ability to receive sexual release). I believe that there may be individuals who try to express themselves sexually outside of the marriage bond (in the telestial kingdom) but that they will be wholly unsatisfied. This is of course my opinion and is based on something I have read somewhere, but I cannot seem to find it at this moment.
I believe that the doctrine that there will be resurrected bodies telestial, terrestrial,and Celestial (1 Cor. 15: 40) hints at the fact that bodies will be given different capacities based on the type of bodies we receive. Therefore only those who are exalted to the highest level in the Celestial Kingdom will receive the capacity for sexual enjoyment. This is also why I do not believe(as was discussed in another thread) that we will have the opportunity to go from one Kingdom to another because out resurrected bodies reflect the Kingdom that we receive and as far as I know we are only resurrected once. I do not believe we evolve from not being able to have Sexual enjoyment in the Telestial and Terrestrial, to having the capacity to do so at a later date.
Here's something to consider. Orson F. Whitney, Conference Report, April 1929, pp.110-111