Bourg Mulatresse RC School
What are your reviews for the school known as Bourg Mulatresse RC School?
If you have attended Bourg Mulatresse RC School then please tell us what you consider to be the pros and cons of attending this school as well as their current facilities.
Anything else you feel a prospective student / parent thinking about being part of this school might like to know about Bourg Mulatresse RC School?
I know principals are advised not to speak to the media but I would like to know if there is an investigation going on and if these teachers are found guilty if they will be fired from the teaching service and send to prison.
So I'm confused is this the same story with the same child or another child? Regardless whomever doing this needs to be taught a lesson that will set a precedent to other so called teachers out there who abuse kids and think they can get away with it.
Westmoorings, it's the same child that was brutally beaten with a broom. They should be fired from the teaching service if found guilty and send them straight to jail because people like them don't deserve to be among civilized society.
Name: Pillar
Title: Bourg Multresse R.C
Comments: I am a parent with kids attending Bourg Mulatresse R.C. [allegedly] This so called special needs child is infact a very disrespectful uncontrolable young man. In standard two he urinated on the teachers cupboard after she scolded him for misbehaving. Another point in time same standard two he pulled down a little girl's panties in the classroom. When the teachers call his parents they don't show. On the day of the beating he put his hand down a girl's shirt and pull down an infant boy's pants. He beats and bully's the younger students and no one does anything about it. The school has told his mother on many occasions he needs to go to a special school how ever she refused to cooperate. Teachers are there to teach, they are not baby sitters. Parents need to accept responsibility for their kids. Children need disapline in other to keep on the right track. In my day if you did something like that it was licks in school and home. I don't know what wrong with people no a days as for the news reporter who did the investigation they should be fired for doing such a poor job investigating.
Name: Mystery
Title: Scoldings
Comments: It is amazing how much of an opinion people can form without the facts. Teacher was removed. Child was reassigned to another school where he [allegedly] continues to be sexually inappropriate in his conduct.