Researchers estimate 10,000 metric tons of plastic enter Great Lakes every year
A new study that inventories and tracks high concentrations of plastic in the Great Lakes could help inform cleanup efforts and target pollution prevention. Researchers found that nearly 10,000 metric tons -- or 22 million pounds -- of plastic debris enter the Great Lakes every year from the United States and Canada. Ref. Source 1p.
From entanglement to invasions of alien species: the harm caused by marine litter
Marine litter is a threat to the marine ecosystem, human health and economic activities. A new report sheds light on the many effects of litter in our oceans, and highlights the severity and scale of the issue. The report confirms that plastic items have the highest direct and indirect damaging impact. Ref. Source 9b.
Name: George
Title: Doom and Gloom
Comments: Here is some real doom and gloom news. A world's leading scientist say that all humans will have to evacuate the earth within the next hundred years.and find some other planet to live on. This is because our environment is being polluted at an alarming rate by nuclear waste,plastic,oil gas and emission from vehicle exhausts and other pollutants. This is also causing massive and rapid climate change. He said that the human system cannot exist in such an environment and sooner that later many human beings will start dying at at early age. Apparently in the remote and on many uninhabited islands in the pacific thousands of tons of plastic has been found on the beach of these islands. The plastic disintegrates into small grains which are eaten by animals and fish and has now got into the food chain and is affecting my human beings by causing news medical complaints for which there is no cure. In fact plastic residue can be found on every beach of the world. Cleaning up may not solve the problem as the remnants of the pollutants have to be disposed on this earth which cannot in the long run sustain such large amounts of dangerous material.
Many countries are working to clean up the plastics that have dumped into the oceans and are now using them to help pave some roads as they are proving to be very useful in this regard and it helps the roadway last a little bit longer too. This will help curb some of the pollution that we are putting in our oceans and hopefully that in turn will help increase the number of fish and other sea life to eat better healthier things rather than plastic.
Disturbing find in whale carcass
A DEAD killer whale has been found to contain one of the highest levels of a deadly toxic pollutant ever recorded. Ref.
Exposure to BPA potentially induces permanent reprogramming of painted turtles' brains. BPA is a chemical that is used in a variety of consumer products, such as food storage containers and water bottles. In previous studies, researchers determined that BPA can disrupt sexual function and behavior in painted turtles. Now, the team has identified the genetic pathways that are altered as a result of BPA exposure during early development. Ref. Source 7v.