Do I Have To Be Sealed In The Temple?
Name: Rae
Title: Mormon sealings
Comments: If a woman is sealed to her husband and is a member in good standing, temple worthy, does she HAVE to be sealed to her husband in the next life? What if his opinions are so outlandish that she doesn't WANT to be sealed to him, but DOES WANT to be able to earn the celestial kingdom. This has caused me much concern and if anyone knows, please enlighten me.
This is a fairly easy question to answer, I have heard it come up a lot of times in Priesthood and Gospel Doctrine Classes.
If you are Temple worthy, and living the best you can, and worthy of Celestial Glory, nothing will stand in your way from receiving it. If your spouse was not worthy, things will be worked out once you leave the earth, and you will be eventually sealed to a righteous companion and family.
You can never tell, he might change by the time you pass on, and he won't seem so bad. A lot of things are going to be sorted out in Heaven. Lots of wives are sealed to men and vise versa, it will all be sorted out later, we still get a final say so before things are made permanent. We are here to work out out salvation help others along the way, mistakes are made, God is forgiving and knows our desires and pains. He would not keep a sealing, if it meant an eternal unbearable relationship.
Even single females members who never had a chance to be married and sealed here on Earth, will be given that right and privilege here after, if they are worthy.
Even, those who have never heard the Gospel, and never became members or sealed, if worthy, will be, that is why we do their work here on Earth. All those who have not had the opportunity, who would of, if they had had the chance, will not be denied any of the possible blessing because of it.