Why people saying "Summer" in Trinidad and Tobago? "Summer sale", "What you will do for summer?" What is this? The only two seasons in Trinidad and Tobago is rainy season and dry season!
Sorry originality is better than adapting to some other cultural environment. There are no "summer holidays" because there is ONLY the July to August holiday season and that's how it must always be described. We do not have summer here and that's the way it will always stay.
End of Story.
If you want to call a particular period of the year in this country "summer" then feel free to migrate. Plus who said America was a place of perfection anyway where 1 out of every 4 children go to bed hungry there and the housing market crisis has left many without a decent home to live in there.
Trinidadians need to stick with what they have and be an original and never ever surrender to being just a copy.