I'm betancore and I came here to try your play by post RPG feature. I'm 34 years old and I love role playing so I hope this is what I'm looking for.
I'm a mechanic and I usually do technical jobs. On my free time I like arts music movies hanging out with my friends and enjoying the outdoors whenever I can.
That s the short story of me, I hope you like it!
Welcome Dungeons & Dragons Role-Player
For Dungeons & Dragons Play by Post then use our easy: D&D Start Guide
Remember we cater for mature DEDICATED players and not merely those passing through trying to cause a ruckus, so make sure to READ the following so you are not censored: Constructive Posting Policy.
For other RPG genres look at the: Custom Built Text Based role-playing games
If you get lost: See All Boards | Site Map | FAQ | RPG Listing page.
Hi betancore! You ask those kind of questions in here, your introduction thread. Anyway you cannot use PM unless you are an upgraded member and even then the person you are contacting must also be upgraded to read the message. All discussion here is public.
First of all I wanted to thank the members here for their welcome and also for the quick response on my question. On that response I would like to say that transparency is good but there are times a more "Tactful" approach is required. Anyway, this is only my opinion. Upon your invitations for the other role-playing games I would like to join but just reading the rules, they all say that I need at least 30 posts for that. About my participation, I can only say that when I first joined Oliron's game, it was pretty high, but since its a turn based game and I have to wait for other players to respond, it can't be helped. If you have any idea how to work around this please tell me!