Just how addicted are you? Feel free to make your comments after choosing one of the above.
I reallt enjoy the intellectual conversation of the forum, specially anything related with LDS doctrine, since I don't have the opportunity to chat with 'real' people in 'real' time about the issues I'm interested in, I found that the forum is the perfect place for me.
I chose "If I hear something interesting, I make sure to add it here" but there were other choices that define my addiction to this forum. Coming in a close second was "I feel bad if I do not log in for more than 24 hours" which I think I've only done once or twice. I do also enjoy the intellectual conversations I have here; I have definitely learned a lot while on the forum!
I belong to several different forums, but this is the one I post on the most. From the first day I joined, only 16 days ago, I make at least one or two posts here. This is much more than I normally would at any other forum. I don't know what it is, the people, the topics, the atmosphere or all three, this is just the best forum I have ever been to. I do think one of the things that I really like is that the owners and operators of this site are truely hands on, with consistant posts of their own. I like that, so many places that are set up you don't see hide nor hair of the admins. To me that shows a lack of caring. I want to say a big THANK YOU to the admins and moderators of this forum for making it so great to come here.
My vote was the "24 hour" one... I feel like something is missing if I don't log in at least once a day -- unfortunately, that's been happening more frequently, lately. (grrr!) I also try to share interesting tidbits from newspapers or other sources. And I, too, have learned quite a lot about a lot of different things. I don't always post in the more "intellectual" discussions, because I'm reading and learning. (Sometimes I think I'll just detract from the discussion if I make a dumb post.)
It's a great place to be -- much better than sleazy chat rooms and unmoderated forums or email lists.
Thank you JB and LDS_Forever!
This is the level of my addiction! I am on the forum, there is no one else online, except Mr. Smith, and I am constantly checking the Hot Topics to see if someone has posted, or checking the Online list to see if someone has come online. Am I addicted or what?
, Just now you might pose for the position of Admin cause I do that all the time when online. I must say that what makes this fun is the total level of mature conversation - being a member of several external forums for the purpose of information I can safely say this is the most mature community I have been with online - and that is not being biased, no, really it is not
I do not have to be worried, disrespected or ridiculed for bringing up a point here and yes, believe it or not I have to delete my own posts when I goof up.
I am just starting to get addicted myself. I check this forum a couple times a day and see if there are interesting topics that I want to join in. This forum is worth my time because the discussions are NOT senseless. I am glad I found this forum.