My goodness, you can't even travel on a Maxi anymore. A policeman shot killed on one, today a driver is murdered on another. Now they are talking about doing searches of passengers before they come on... I seriously doubt if that will do anything and for one who is going to allow a maxi conductor to search them?
Welcome to Trinidad and Tobago! This country is becoming soooo unsafe, you cannot go out freely because you don't know if you are going to return home safely Its becoming really scary. I heard the news about the Maxi driver, I hope nobody gets the idea and start doing it all over just like its happening with the kidnappings.
This is really scary; I used to take the maxi to and from school every day, and I never envisioned it becoming such a dangerous activity. It really hurts me to hear and read of such happenings in the country I grew up in, and still have family in. I hope the government can open their eyes and try to make some changes, or get help if they need it to make the country a better place!