Why Religion Is Bad For Society
Do you feel that there are benefits to be derived from religion? If there are then what are they and is it a specific religion that helps society and the individual or any religion?
Religion can be bad. Religion is traditions and rules taught by men. If you have a group of religious leaders teaching others to do things or believe a certain way then it can be very bad. Whether they are teaching to hate others, kill others, or judge others, you have to remember if you are religious that you are being taught by men. Man is flawed. I think that you should not only take what your religion teaches you but also search your own heart to know what is right or wrong. Good or Bad?
What is good or bad? Religion is the moral authority on good or bad. What might be good for you may not be for another person so religion is supposed to put everyone in a general bucket or the right way - that is what makes it dangerous, because its more like follow the consensus.
Name: Refugee
Title: Religion
Comments: I have just finished reading a book called 'The Beginning of all Knowing'. It explains exactly what is wrong with the mainstream religions and offers an alternative which is nothing less than life changing. I was very lucky to find this book. I thank the person who wrote it.