Why Religion Is Bad For Society - Page 5 of 6

Name: Been there Country: Comments: Basically - Page 5 - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 27th Nov, 2022 - 8:07pm

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6th Feb, 2020 - 7:28pm / Post ID: #

Why Religion Is Bad For Society - Page 5

I feel like many of the posts in this thread are not really against religion itself, but against the actions and choices that religious people make, or sometimes take in the name of a religion. I would propose that most of those actions do not comply with the beliefs espoused by their religion, as most religious beliefs that I've learned are concerned almost entirely with building beneficial relations with one another and treating others well.
I absolutely agree with many of the complaints against organized religion that have been made here and in our internet society as a whole. The concept of coercion or even conceitedness that often accompanies religious "belief" is a detriment both to our society and to that religion. Not to mention the absolute atrocities against humanity that ambitious leaders have committed in the name of one religion or another.
But to ascribe any organization with faults belonging to select individuals (Even leaders) within that organization, (Especially when those faults contradict the ideals of that organization,) would be like cutting down a mature apple tree and removing its potential because of one or three rotten apples.

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6th Feb, 2020 - 9:00pm / Post ID: #

Society Bad Religion Why

Religion would be good for society if it were truly led by someone divine or connected to divinity in a real sense. But its not like that. Religion is just led by men… and we all know what men are like.

17th Apr, 2020 - 7:12am / Post ID: #

Why Religion Is Bad For Society Beliefs Religious General

From my humble point of view religion is not bad not good in nature, its the separatism and extremism created around them that put people against each other.

6th Jan, 2021 - 10:20pm / Post ID: #

Page 5 Society Bad Religion Why

I think all the good things people say does can be done without the “god factor”. Doing things in a god’s name can lead to serious repercussions… just look at the Trump rioters. I’m sure they believe their god put Trump in office… and I guess he’s so impotent he needs help.

29th Sep, 2021 - 9:56pm / Post ID: #

Society Bad Religion Why

I think religion can be good or bad depending on how you look at it. It can be bad if someone forces there belief on us. But it can be good because it will keep us all sane during this time. I love religion and view it good or bad.

13th Nov, 2022 - 6:08pm / Post ID: #

Why Religion Is Bad For Society

Sometimes religion can unite people, sometimes it can start a whole war… Sometimes people cling so tightly to a religion that they begin to doggedly insist that their religion is the only true one. However, religion can also give meaning to many people, or stand by as a guide. What is true, or what is untrue, no one can say, maybe there is no truth, maybe there is no lie. I think it always depends on the individual, how much it favors something already written as a guide, or thinks about its own belief/worldview. Whether religion is ultimately good or bad for society, I can't say for sure, there are just too many different perspectives that I see.

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14th Nov, 2022 - 1:12am / Post ID: #

Why Religion Bad Society - Page 5

Most times religion turns bad because they introduce politics into it and the two just don't mix together.

Post Date: 27th Nov, 2022 - 8:07pm / Post ID: #

Why Religion Bad Society General Religious Beliefs - Page 5

Name: Been there

Comments: Basically good ideals. I am a former atheist that detested religion for whom most religious people gave me the creeps. I felt most who have strong beliefs don't really know why, other than that's what they were told. I felt it made them subject to easily being manipulated and was de-humanizing. Which has made many of the atrocities in human history possible.
However, when I finally faced my own brand of fanaticism, I tried to examine the matter logically and through analysis. Through mathematics and science my conclusion is someone or something put us here and there is a purpose to our existence. I examined every kind of religion I could to see if any of them could provide a comprehensive answer to why the world is as it is and if there was any basis to expect things to get better.
I have been surprised to find a group that has learned how to live in harmony and peace worldwide. Within this society all things that divide humanity have been removed. There is no national divisions, racial divisions, political divisions, cultural divisions, social divisions, economic divisions, or anything else to pit them one against the other.
If you remove power, greed, control, and fear from any organisation, it will not stand. The organisation I describe has none of those factors which enable an organisation to exist and yet it exists and continues to grow and build within its members the qualities need for humans to live in peace and harmony. For the first time in human history there is a society of people that is sustainable. Who are they? You don't have to look for them. They are looking for you.

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> TOPIC: Why Religion Is Bad For Society


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