Not Active Enough Script Corrected
When a player is below 75% activity a warning is show to them within their posts to increase their activity before playing. However, this 75% rule does not apply to Upgraded Members and so it should not have shown for them, this is now corrected. All Players should be mindful of this and increase their activity to suit.
Future Terra Database
I had a future themed site laying around that I made for a client who wanted a different design, so I added it to the Future Terra domain explaining some of the options available on our network for those who love Science Fiction: Future Terra Database.
Future Earth Resurrected!
Create your characters now because Future Earth is alive again. The newest scenario is "Exploring Wrecks" and is awaiting players. There will be many improvements to this section as well since it has been dormant for so long. Prepare yourselves.
Character Post Changes!
As you will see Future Earth's Post pages are changing. We have not finished yet, but just so you know if it shocks you into another dimension. You will also see all the relevant fields in your Control Panel to Update your character. Please feel free to do so.
New Scenario
Now that the last Scenario has ended I will be making a repeat Scenario called, "The Island" however the process for character creation, rolls and so forth will change, so please give me a day or so before you create your character.