Have you ever thought that the modern times is easier than old times? You first answer might be yes already, but think about the past...(the old days, 1800s, 1900s, etc.)
Let's try to compare the furniture and the regular things in life in the past and the modern times....
In the old times, furniture were very strong, they last for decades! And plus they were made of wood! But why now in the modern times furniture last very short? The material's quality for furniture is so cheap! But why?
Buildings in the past were very poor but somewhat last until the modern times, (some) in the modern times last way more than the wooden buildings in the past! But there are some modern buildings that are just as poor as the buildings in the old times!
That is a comparison of the modern times and the old times.
Let's compare people's behavior and friendship and strangers outdoors...
Before in the past, (around the 1800s), people that time were very friendly in some countries, strangers were more trusted by other people and children, and there wasn't much crimes and murders that time. (In some countries though...) Now what happened in the modern times? Strangers cannot be trusted anymore AT ALL! That is because people is getting more evil and more suspicious! But when all of that will be stopped?
This is my thoughts about this thread, what is yours?
Edited: Felipe on 12th Sep, 2012 - 8:22pm
International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 240 24%