Scores protest against anti-Islam film in south Iraq:
Thousands of people protested against an anti-Islam film on Friday in Basra in south Iraq, burning American and Israeli flags and carrying pictures of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Ref. Source 1
Libya Prime Minister: Consulate attack not al Qaeda:
Arwa Damon spoke to Libya's prime minister about the eight people in custody who are directly linked to the assault at the consulate in Benghazi. He says they are not members of al Qaeda, but are individual extremists loosely banded together. Ref. Source 4
How Are American Muslims Responding To The Anti-Islam Film
Religious Based News
Muslims in the U.S. have not been protesting as groups have chosen to remain mostly on the sidelines during the controversy.
Source: Religion
Pakistan Minister offers $100,000 reward for death of US filmmaker:
A Pakistani Cabinet minister has today offered a US$100,000 reward for the death of the US filmmaker whose movie features a depiction of Islam's Prophet Mohammed. Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilor said he would pay the reward out of his own pocket. Ref. Source 7
Peter Calder: Film row faint in NZ Muslims' ears
By 12.40pm, the start time of Friday prayers, the carpark at the Masjid-e-Umar in Mt Roskill is gridlocked. The cars are wedged, bumper to bumper, into every available space. No one will be leaving until everybody leaves.Mohamed...
Source: - Islam
Man behind anti-Islamic film, jailed for probation violation:
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, has been under investigation by probation officials looking into whether he violated the terms of his 2011 release from prison on a bank fraud conviction while making the film. Ref. Source 9
Al-Zawahiri calls for more protest
Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri said a film made in the United States mocking the Prophet Mohammad showed Washington was waging a "Crader Zionist war" against Muslims and he called for more protests outside American embassies. Ref. Source 8