Here's Rudy Giuliani's opinion of Hugo Chavez:
"Isn't it annoying, upsetting and even in some cases a matter of national security that we have to send money to our enemies?" Giuliani asked. "We need a president who knows how to get things done so we don't have to be sending money to Chavez." Giuliani called for the United States to develop alternative energy sources and take advantage of oil already in its control. He said that antagonistic leaders of oil-rich nations, like Chavez, would have "little power" if the United States could stop buying oil from them. "Who would listen to Chavez if he didn't have all this oil money? Nobody would listen to him," Giuliani said. |
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
I could not imagine living in Venezuela at this time. They are heading for full blown Dictatorship or Communism:
'WE WILL TONE YOU DOWN,' CHAVEZ WARNS NEWS CHANNEL Hugo Chavez is threatening the last remaining broadcast network openly critical of his government to watch its step, less than 48 hours after the Venezuelan president shut down one private TV station he called an "enemy." Ref. https://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200...ion-070530.html |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%
Communist...Dictator? Actually, I don't think I have seen the first without the second even though they may be dressed up to seem like a party and not a dictatorship (Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Jong Il...funny how we can always remember one specific name).
Chavez is quickly throwing this country into Socialism that is boardering on Communism with a Dictator (himself). He has already been given the ability to make any laws he see fit and you can see he is exercising this new found power. This is one heck of a turnaround of fortune for a guy that had a successful coup against him only to see him return to power...by the guys that organized the coup. The country is poor and stunts like this will carry well with his voting block, but not on the international stage. However, that doesn't seem to bother Chavez. He will throw out a few more "smell sulfur" comments and we will forget what he is doing as he takes the remainder of free enterprise/capitalism out of Venezuela.
I would love to know what he sold to remain in power back then during the coup. The coup was by the military as it usually is, but what did he give them in order to remain in power. I can only say that he needs to keep the poor happy with displays like this to stay in power and more importantly, he needs to continue to pacify the military and keep them nice and happy. Otherwise, it was pretty easy to overthrow him before and it probably wouldn't be that difficult now - if the military wanted to do it again.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
Chavez is a really scary guy. What he is doing in Venezuela is madness, he is so openly censoring the Media! It is such an unstable country to live Venezuela right now, I foresee many deaths in the hands of this guy since it seems that no one is able to criticize his government. Is the UN going to step in and do something?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
The only thing the UN would do is to place sanctions on Venezuela and we all know how well that works. Plus, it would be a nice thing for Chavez to complain about how the US run UN is trying to stop their progress towards the socialism that "they" want. I really don't think this guy is going anywhere until he shuts the wrong business down or steps on a military toe the wrong way.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
QUOTE (Vincenzo) |
Communist...Dictator? Actually, I don't think I have seen the first without the second... |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%
Fidel does have that lengthy time record that Chavez can never match. However, at this point, he pretty much has government control of several key business sectors and is spreading that reach fairly quickly. He is exerting force on the media (shutting down those that oppose him - but not taking it over just yet), telecom, banking and soon will have total control of the oil. I am not sure how long he has this total free reign to make laws as he pleases, but who can take it away once given? That is the interesting part. Should he not give up this power, Venezuela will quickly go to a Communist dictatorship...just like Cuba. He does love and praise Fidel doesn't he? I do hope my vision of what is going to happen is incorrect, but I have to admit, it would be awfully hard to give up all that power after you have it for a while. Especially for someone as charasmatic as Chavez.
Rather off topic, but... The more I talk about him...this faint smell of sulfur hits the room! |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
Conspiracy Theory rumor has it (I'll find a link later) that Russia is building a factory for automatic weapons (AK-47 type) in Venezuela, and that the Iranians are helping Chavez with a military weapons program - long-range missiles, warheads, etc...
Chavez is setting the stage for major events in Venezuela, and all the Americas. Something to watch, for sure.
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%