Bruconero Introduction - Page 19 of 24

Hello folks, if you're going to debate - Page 19 - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 14th May, 2013 - 11:17pm

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Post Date: 14th May, 2013 - 3:01am / Post ID: #

Bruconero Introduction
A Friend

Bruconero Introduction - Page 19

Giggles at [Bunny's] joke.

[Hey] Bruconero have you been following whats going on in my game. The story's a bout to get thick and I think you might like to read a long if your not still already doing so.

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Post Date: 14th May, 2013 - 3:11am / Post ID: #

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Introduction Bruconero

I missed what happened during the last week because I've been very busy and had less time available but I will check it as soon as I can: I like to read your game.
By the way, are you still full or you have empty slots (looks like one of the players is missing, if I'm not wrong)? If you have free slots, I will start advertising your game to new members again.

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Tenet: -- | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Fifty Something | Joined: Reg. 22nd Sep, 2012 - 7:11pm
Post Date: 14th May, 2013 - 3:14am / Post ID: #

Bruconero Introduction
A Friend

Bruconero Introduction Sharing Member & Introductions

My game is full. I have 1 opening I don't "Need filled" But I have one guy asking about joining that would fill that one spot.

The only opening I have left in my game is if you want to join. Or if I have a friend in real life that is so in need for a game I invite them to join the forum.

Post Date: 14th May, 2013 - 3:25am / Post ID: #

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Page 19 Introduction Bruconero

I don't know, Kit. You know my problem is always the same: starting from level 3. I hate it! Might sound silly, but I really can't get over it: I don't even play chapter 2 of computer games unless they allow me to start from level 1 or I played chapter 1 already. Yes, I'm strange.
Otherwise I would have joined since the beginning because I really like your game.

By the way, the Major is missing since three weeks now. Hope to hear from him soon or I will have to free one of my slots.

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Tenet: -- | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Fifty Something | Joined: Reg. 22nd Sep, 2012 - 7:11pm
Post Date: 14th May, 2013 - 3:31am / Post ID: #

Bruconero Introduction
A Friend

Introduction Bruconero

He said he would be back on the 7th the fact he let me know before he left gives him more less way with being missing but I to have noticed that it is the 13th.

You can always join my game as a level 1 silly. You would only be handy capping your self and you would end up leveling over time to catch up to the party I said this back when Krusten asked a bout joining my game her having the same feelings as you about preferring to join from a low level.

Post Date: 14th May, 2013 - 8:03pm / Post ID: #

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Bruconero Introduction

...or Brunconero could start as a special race that would make him a first level. That would certainly make the party dynamics interesting.

Contribution: | Credit: | Gender: Female | Politics: Independent
Tenet: -- | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Fifty Something | Joined: Reg. 17th Dec, 2012 - 7:17am
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Post Date: 14th May, 2013 - 11:07pm / Post ID: #

Bruconero Introduction
A Friend

Bruconero Introduction - Page 19

I suppose I would allow him to play a race that have been restricted to the other party mates one with a level 2 adjustment so he would be starting as a level one but because of his race attributes would be about even with the rest of you in power.

Post Date: 14th May, 2013 - 11:17pm / Post ID: #

Bruconero Introduction Introductions & Member Sharing - Page 19

Hello folks, if you're going to debate Role-playing Games you might want to take that to your respective review threads so Bruconero's intro thread does not become a discussion on a particular RPG. Thank you for understanding.

> TOPIC: Bruconero Introduction


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