Most women are so concerned with getting huge muscles from doing strength training that there are rarely any strong upper body women. The truth is... women cannot get big muscles easily. Here is an interesting perspective on pushups especially:
Come on, admit it, we all envied Demi Moore after that pushup footage in GI Jane. A one-arm pushup is a neat party trick, it looks cool and butch, and pushups in general have a wonderfully basic military flavour to them.
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I did a one armed push-up once! Of course, I didn't go all the way down, and the moment I got all the way back up, I fell flat on my face.
I, personally, have never been a fan of "girly" push-ups. They don't do anything! When I was in colorguard in high school we were so used to doing around 1000 spins during our warm up block that it built up muscles. We also did push-ups, real ones. We weren't allowed to not do them and to do them the cheater way. They really worked. Now, if only I had kept up with them.