How Many Push-ups

How Push-ups - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 14th Dec, 2004 - 5:35am

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Post Date: 19th Aug, 2004 - 1:28pm / Post ID: #


How Many Push-ups

There are two methods, so you will need to state which one you are doing:

1. Only hands and feet touch the ground, chest touches floor and then to arms locked position is one rep.

2. Same as above except knees are allowed on the floor, usually women are allowed this method until they develop upper body strength.

To count, you must do these push-ups without rest.

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19th Aug, 2004 - 11:27pm / Post ID: #

Push-ups How

Since I just recently started a program of actually focusing on working out, I still can't do many. I can do 12 regular pushups.

A few days ago, I managed 15 Hindu pushups, which involve much more of the body than just the arms, so I can probably do 15 regular now. My goal is 50 Hindu pushups in less than two minutes.

20th Aug, 2004 - 1:32am / Post ID: #

How Many Push-ups Sports & Fashion Music Movies

I can manage 30 strict style, 45 if I do not touch the ground and 15 if I elevate my legs and go between two drums. I have a goal to reach 100 of the not so strit style where I almost touch the ground with my chest. I am using the goal page to keep track.

Offtopic but,
What are Hindu push-ups?

20th Aug, 2004 - 9:30am / Post ID: #

Push-ups How

I haven't gotten into a good, steady routine yet, so this morning was only able to do 13 Hindu pushups. I have really got to keep this up.

Offtopic but,
Hindu style pushups have your legs spread way out, then you push back so that your body is in an upside down 'V' position. As you lower the body, you move forward so that your shoulders are above your hands. When you push up, you bend your back so that your head ends up facing straight forward, with your thighs still almost touching the ground, arms fully extended. Then you raise the rest of the body to a straight posture, push backward, and start over again. Uses a LOT of different muscles.

Post Date: 20th Aug, 2004 - 2:17pm / Post ID: #

How Many Push-ups
A Friend

Push-ups How

1. Only hands and feet touch the ground, chest touches floor and then to arms locked position is one rep.

I can do about 20 of those. But I don't know how long it took me when I tried.
I hav'ent even tried to do the other kind, so I don't know how many of those I could do.

Post Date: 14th Dec, 2004 - 5:35am / Post ID: #

How Many Push-ups
A Friend

How Many Push-ups

My record for the numero uno type was 32. I only accomplished that once during my guard days. But I was usually up there.

Towards the end of our guard season we changed our style and we would only do eight. Now, before you start rolling your eyes going "Eight? That's it?" Let me explain. When we went down, instead of our hands facing the direction parallel to our body, they would be facing horizontal. When we went down, our elbows would go out really far rather than halfway in and halfway out. We would also do them in counts. We would take four counts to go down, hold it for four, then come up in four. They hurt so much but they're wonderful. I'd recommend trying them. After awhile we'd add counts and hold it for 6, etc.

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