St. Gabriel's Girls' RC School
What are your reviews for the school known as St. Gabriel's Girls' RC School?
If you have attended St. Gabriel's Girls' RC School then please tell us what you consider to be the pros and cons of attending this school as well as their current facilities.
Anything else you feel a prospective student / parent thinking about being part of this school might like to know about St. Gabriel's Girls' RC School?
Name: Seanique
Comments: Do not send your children to this school I was a student at this school and one specific teacher [..] [allegedly] tried to beat me with a whip for doing something that I was framed for she constantly mocked me and made standard two the worst year of my life the children there have no respect curse constantly and bully those who are better than them or who they see as competition choose any other school best choice for your daughter there is nothing good about this school and the ratings will soon enough fall through the ground!