As far as the title Elder, it may be (and frequently is) used to indicate those with the Melchizedek Priesthood rather than those only in that specific office within the Priesthood. All male full-time representatives of the Church (Missionaries, Seventies, Apostles, etc.) are known by the title regardless of priesthood office, unless they have specific assignments like President or Bishop (in the case of the Presiding Bishopric).
As far as the changes go, it should not be shocking or unreasonable that if Christ continues to lead the Church through changing times, He would dictate course corrections in the affairs of the Kingdom in his own time. Each change, if examined, can be seen to have divine origins. Take, for example, the revelation on the Priesthood being given to all races. It came in 1978, after most of the tumult of the civil rights movement. The Lord did not dictate this because it was popular; he did it when it was right in his time. Gordon B. Hinckley knows things that Brigham Young did not. The Lord still reveals line upon line, and always has.
As far as the "Other" column, none of them has any bearing on salvation. They were technicalities of the Church, hardly involved with the Gospel of Christ. When it comes down to it, all the ordinances of salvation are still pure and available to those who will believe and obey. The endowment still sets forth the essential knowledge it has always taught, enabling us to return to the Lord. To discuss them might be a fun intellectual exercise, but to dwell on these changes is to miss the point of the Church and the gospel.
I've heard a few rumors of a change coming shortly in the temple. On another message board, someone posted that a temple worker they knew was called in to the temple for a special meeting. Someone else posted their uncle who is a temple worker was also called to a meeting and said they are making a slight change to the Washings and Annointings. Apparently, the workers are not supposed to actually touch the person anymore when they anoint them with oil. I guess this is a pecautionary move to avoid any possible allegations of inappropriate touching. So, a very minor change I would say.
I don't know about this firsthand. For various reasons, I am unable to attend the temple.
There are a lot of reports coming out that there have been many changes made to the temple ordinances over the last few weeks. Specifically, the intiatory ordinances have been drastically changed. I do know of a report explaining the exact changes made. I will not provide a link for it here.
From the report I read, I find this change to be extremely significant. To me, it is similar in nature to the Catholic church changing baptism from full immersion to sprinkling.
I have also heard that over 20 minutes of the Endowment has been trimmed.
Does anyone know about these things? Edited: Nighthawk on 29th Jan, 2005 - 4:18pm
My wife and I have been discussing many things that are of great concern to us, with this being one of them. Are we entering the phase of the divide or are we simply becoming more 'modern'. I would hate to consider Church as being 'streamlined' the same way one talks about a computer or other component, but at the same time I wonder if the Curch is becoming more concerned with law suits than it is about the souls of those for whom they administer? Yes, that sounds apostate doesn't it, and being so far in an island where it seems that apostate acts are a common allowable occurrence (as has been stated in other threads) one has to wonder 'what the heck is going on?'
Searching a little bit about these changes in the Temple, I found a web site where they were discussing this issue and one of the members commented the following:
"The Denver Temple President did say something interesting when I was talking to him after training (Note: training about new procedures on initiatories). He said that we're not to discuss the way things used to be done. That was a surprise to me, because I had had people in the Celestial Room tell me about the way the endowment used to be done. Asked about that specific situation, the temple president said that it was inappropriate. So I guess people getting the initiatories done in the future won't know how it used to be done. "
Do you think it is wrong or breaking a Church policy if we discuss how Temple Ordinances used to be before?. Now that we have new changes, it means we cannot discuss how it used to be last year?.
While I don't think it is at all inappropriate, I am extremely careful about doing so. The structure of the church is such that any such discussion CAN lead to discipline.
I have, at times, found several documents that go into some detail about pre-change ordinances. I generally keep them to myself, except for people with whom I have a good relationship, and even then it must be very private.
There is a talk by By Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander of the Presidency of the Seventy in the Ensign 2001 and he quotes a very important statement by Joseph Smith:
"Ordinances instituted in the heavens before the foundation of the world, in the priesthood, for the salvation of men, are not to be altered or changed. All must be saved on the same principles"
Doesn't these changes in Temple ordinances contradict what he said? Edited: LDS_forever on 29th Jan, 2005 - 9:43pm