Here is a link to an excellent description, with pictures, of the exercises that I am doing. Scroll down to read and see about Hindu pushups.
I see why you like them, but I doubt one can become significantly strong while working so many muscles at the same time. It seems to be more of a flexibility-cardio movement rather than muscle building, but when you are done you can say, right Nighthawk?
If you go to the commercial website for this style of conditioning (Combat Conditioning), you will find lots and lots and lots and lots of information, testimonials, and anecdotes about these exercises building incredible power.
Regular pushups are easier than these. One of the biggest advantages of Hindu pushups and squats is that they really get the cardiovascular system working. Since you are meant to get into a rythm with them, taking a full, deep breath through each iteration, when you get through the heart is pounding.
I have ordered the book, hope to get it today or tomorrow. I can't do a back bridge yet, at all, and the book is supposed to have some exercises that I can use to work up to it, as well as some other killer exercises such as handstand pushups.