
Reality - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 9th Nov, 2005 - 2:07am

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Pay It Forward for Real?
18th May, 2005 - 11:40am / Post ID: #


Do you think that such a system of paying it forward could actually work? How would you decide when it was time to pay it forward and to what extent would you go to do so?

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19th May, 2005 - 12:42am / Post ID: #


I think it could definately work. It only takes one person to start and then if everyone who has an act of kindness done for them then does a good deed for someone else. This is what people ought to do anyway.

I don't think I would go far to pay it forward. I don't think it is necessary. There are enough people in the world that if we all took this to heart we could help those in our immediate area and that would reach all around the world.

Post Date: 9th Nov, 2005 - 2:07am / Post ID: #

A Friend

Reality Sports & Fashion Music Movies

QUOTE (funbikerchick @ 18-May 05, 7:32 PM)
I don't think I would go far to pay it forward. I don't think it is necessary. There are enough people in the world that if we all took this to heart we could help those in our immediate area and that would reach all around the world.

GI Jane,

Point well made about how acts of kindnesses done in our immediate surroundings can eventually extend to all over the world.

And I think the more good we do (with pure motives of course), the more good we become and the more good we become, the more goodness emanates from our spirits and we become attracted to others who have similar motives and then, in collaborative efforts, we can do good together, which has a greater immediate impact.

May the Lord bless you in all your endeavors!

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