The Art Of Discussion

The Art Discussion - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 20th Apr, 2013 - 11:00pm

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The Art,Discussion Want to fit in? This is a must read! If you have never been on a constructive Community before, or even if you think you were a born diplomat, you should read this Thread as we Discuss the Art of Discussion.
Post Date: 13th Nov, 2006 - 6:21pm / Post ID: #

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The Art Of Discussion

The Art of Discussion

International DiscussionsAs you participate please do remember what you agreed to upon Registering: At times Moderators may edit your Posts and / or inform you about what is Constructive and what is not. This is to both help you make valuable input and keep the Community Standards high. See: Rules & Policies. Our Rules and Policies are not designated for Debate. Thanks for your understanding.

The Key Is To ALWAYS Be Courteous

No one is forced to participate. We can only interpret your joining this International Community as a willingness to give your input into Topics in which you are most versed. Though it may be true that you are here for one particular purpose it does not stop you from helping others gain insight along the way.

If you have never been on a Constructive Community before, or even if you think you were a born diplomat regardless of the level of Discussion, you should read this Thread as we Discuss in no uncertain terms the 'Art of Discussion'.

First off it is not my intent to focus on word usage, grammar, spelling or Topic choices, I think we all should be above that, if you joined here then you would have read the Thread about our Constructive Posting Policy from beforehand so that SHOULD not be an issue with which to begin.

I would like to Discuss what a Discussion is in its' simplest terms, that is to say the beginning and end all. For me it is defined as this (Without the use of a Dictionary):

Two or more people sharing view points about a specific subject within a Thread.

That for me is it in a nutshell. Now, I can change that to read differently to show you what a Discussion is NOT:

1. Two or more people sharing view points about any subject within a Thread.

Of course that is wrong and is often referred to as 'hijacking' a Topic. For Discussion to truly flow you should not go off on tangents or try to change it because you seem to be losing the argument / debate.

2. Two or more people being offended about view points within a Thread.

If you realize that you choose to be offended, then that should clear everything up.

3. Two or more people trying to convert others to their way of thinking and becoming frustrated when they do not.

Of course this just does not work - period. The objective of Discussion is not necessarily to get converts to your point of view - people WILL disagree with you, but then that is all. You do not have to insult people, leave 'slamming the door on your way out or showing your anger. Showing emotion in words is like becoming hysterical in an emergency - IT DOES NO GOOD for your situation.

Feel free to continue this Discussion as it relates to the Art of Discussion within this Community.

The Art Of Discussion
The Art Of Discussion (Hover)

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Post Date: 13th Nov, 2006 - 6:52pm / Post ID: #

Dia. Mod + Chief Mod
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Discussion Art The

I also think people in general need to keep in mind that directness must not be taken for unkindness or rudeness when replying or reading a thread. I can perfectly make a strong point and a direct one without calling anyone names or using the lowest of sarcasm. We also need to keep in mind that threads, messages are NOT to be taken personally unless a name is called.

It is frustrating to be discussing a serious issue for a person to ruin it all by saying: "What you are saying, is a personal attack to me", just because he/she does not like what you say. It is simple: Or you reply with a good argument to counteract the statement or just stay quiet if you are just going to become all emotional and sensitive about it. It is extremely important to detach ourselves emotionally from the threads in order to participate on it and expect good and healthy discussion. After all, this is supposed to be a Mature forum, if we cannot handle the heat of the discussions then we should evaluate our purpose here. Just my two cents.

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Post Date: 14th Nov, 2006 - 2:51am / Post ID: #

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The Art Of Discussion Sharing Member & Introductions

Adding my two cents here. If a message/post gets you upset or angry or offended, don't reply to it right away. Think it over for a little while, overnight if you have to. Cool your jets. Ponder what the person was actually saying, not what you think they said, before you reply.

I've been guilty of firing off a post whilst in a tizzy, and then regretted it later. Just take some time to think it over, and contribute to the discussion in a calm manner. We'll all enjoy the discussions more if we don't get "All het up" Over things.

In my opinion.

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Post Date: 14th Nov, 2006 - 5:28am / Post ID: #

The Art Of Discussion
A Friend

Discussion Art The

Ah yes, haven't we all. I too get into heated arguments and have fired a couple off that I regretted later.

I think that when having a good discussion, people should remember that someone can be strongly against your point of view, even hate your side of the subject, but have nothing personal against you. A person that is good at discussing understands that everything they say and everything that is said should be kept within the context of the subject being discussed. Feel free to consider by ideas ridiculous without insulting me. And don't take comments that are about you belief as a personal insult what ever the subject. Especially regarding politics and religion, the views will vary widely, you can't take disagreements personally.

Post Date: 7th Dec, 2006 - 3:10am / Post ID: #

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Discussion Art The

international QUOTE (Konquererz)
I think that when having a good discussion, people should remember that someone can be strongly against your point of view, even hate your side of the subject, but have nothing personal against you.

I notice that most people cannot separate the two, and they look at the person's argument as the person. It is like looking at an actor and treating him as you would his character - they are not the same.

I also notice that most people assume your position even though you have not stated it. An example of this is if someone attacks you for quoting a news source or even just giving a theory of a scientist. Most people have to have self-control if they want to Discuss things in a mature manner, but sadly it seems that there are not many who have the ability to be at peace with themselves and thus pick fights with others.

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Post Date: 25th Oct, 2009 - 12:24am / Post ID: #

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The Art Of Discussion

Finish What You Start

One of the most annoying things in a Discussion is when it becomes ONE WAY. In other words, the person initiates a subject or Topic and then does not return in the least to acknowledge answers (Replies). Also, the person that boasts themselves being a conversationalist (in net terms) yet never participates. Imagine being in a room of a club where everyone has to Register to participate. You are there in Discussion yet some people just look but do not say anything at all. You begin to wonder about their 'reason' for being there.

Blog Read My Blog
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Tenet: Reperire Veritatem | Reason: Discuss Global Issues | Age: Fifty Something | Joined: Reg. 3rd Sep, 2002 - 1:01pm
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Post Date: 26th May, 2010 - 5:26pm / Post ID: #

The Art Discussion

Freedom of Speech Online and restrictions within a site like this can also be Discussed here: Source 4

Post Date: 20th Apr, 2013 - 11:00pm / Post ID: #

Diamond Chief
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The Art Discussion Introductions & Member Sharing

international QUOTE
No one is forced to participate.

Its kind of funny you have to remind some people about it. I've read some new members join up and you'd swear its like a hijacking of their computer and internet and this is the only place they were allowed to join so they just had to post with a grudge. I don't get it.

Contribution: Diamond Emeritus | Credit: | Gender: Male | Politics: Unsure
Tenet: Christian (secular) | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Thirty Something | Joined: Reg. 18th Jan, 2009 - 9:07pm
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