Genealogy Donations

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Genealogy Donations

While doing this research almost three decades ago I found neither side of my relatives very interested in family history research.

Now before everyone starts jumping on me... I mean interested enough to actually compile information, get photos, visit cemeteries, interview people or even build a web site. Yes, they talk about it, but talking is very different from doing. Maybe they even have information that can be added here, but they do not send it. This site has been here since 1998. A lot of my research I did around 1989-1990.

I am grateful to those of you have sent in information, but now that I am the father of three autistic boys I no longer can progress in research but I am willing to update this site if you see it as a valuable resource for your own direct ancestry. I maintain this on my own strength and time. Domains and server space is very expensive. I am not rich at all so if you wish to make donations to my efforts please see below:

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