Q. Who is behind BordeGlobal.com?
A. This site and many others are maintained by a partnership of professionals dedicated to web design services. See the lead Web Developer:
Jean Borde. "Jean" is a French name and is pronounced like "Jean Claude Van Damne".
Q. Where are you from?
A. BGID(r) is registered in the English speaking Republic of Trinidad & Tobago, an island in the Caribbean. The partnership is from there and Argentina.
BGID(r) es de Trinidad, Indias del Oeste y Sol es de Argentina.
Q. Why are your pages in Spanish too?
A. Maria is from Argentina and we have lots of Latin visitors to our pages.
Maria es de Argentina y nosotros tenemos un montón de visitantes latinos en nuestras páginas.
Q. Can you design a web page for me?
A. Sure, send us a brief explanation of what you want and we will give you an estimated cost or
How To Start.
Seguro, mándanos una breve explicación de lo que quieres y te daremos un costo estimado.
Q. What are the Web Rings?
A. These Web Rings are for web masters who have similar web pages and want to join a 'club' of inter-related users.
Estos clubes son para web masters quienes tienen similares páginas web y quieren unirse a un "club" de usuarios inte-relacionados.