Out of Character: Besides the gold which I'm still to update I took the cloak of protection. I'm not really big on a whole bunch of magical items unless they specifically contribute to a direct attack or defense.
You did mention that before. That's why I'm surprised you're not claiming the +3 shield. Durgan could even grab your old one when we've defeated this lot.
I've been struck by inspiration! If the woman Durgan saved knows where Estari is, we can give her the helm and teleport us all there.
Out of Character: Must have missed that. So if I take the +3 shield do you want my current +1 shield?
You trust her to that?
Yes, I'll take the trade.
It turns out the helm (And spell) only teleport the caster, and not anyone them. This isn't Pathfinder…
It looks like we will have to fight our way through the guards too.
So we cleared a camp in the woods, but it's been 3 days in game. Perhaps that just informed the enemy of their weak point and it will be doubly fortified. They wouldn't neglect the road either because it is the obvious fast route. Finally, Sessativa still has the Helm of Teleportation.
What's your thoughts and opinions?