Durgan pulls out the rod of Magic missiles he found a while back and attempts to fire off the spell as he walks closer. He starts trying to find the command word by saying, "Magic missile!" then tires "Fire, shoot, bang!"
Once he walks close enough he switches back to his trusty mace and attacks.
As you walk Closer attempting to use the magic missle rod it stays inert through out your attempts. Once you are close enough to the leader you strike him for 3 damage. He swings at you allowing the lady to back off and go to Zork where she coaxs a healing potion down Zorks throat. Since this is a healing potion Zork gets up with 1d4 hit points from full. See the roll I made to let you know Zork.
Durgan swings again at the leader hitting him again for 8 damage. The leader swings back hitting Durgan for 7 damage. The lady hits the leader with magic once again. She will tell the two of you she only has two potions left. The leader is showing some signs of weakening
Durgan continues attacking while tying to coax the man into giving up. "You are alone, your guards and magician are dead or dying! Give up and let us tend to them. Your future here is death, in town you might get a cell to live in."
Rolling 3 times, with the first attacking being the miss in my previous post (To be fair).
Out of Character: That only puts Zork at -1HP so he is still out and cannot assist. Do not worry about him, try to win the battle and save the lady or you will be the guardian of many orphaned girls!
Durgan and the leader keep exchanging blows but neither one is able to get a good hit in. The lady keeps firing magic at the leader causing him to stumble a couple times. Finally on the fourth round Durgan gets a good hit on the leader causing him 6 points of damage. He fall backwards and lays there staring blankly at the ceiling.
"You should have listened when you had the chance," Durgan says to the unmoving figure. He leans in to check his pulse and then begins stripping him of valuables.
"I would guess his armor is magical by its shimmer, but I think good old steel is still better." He knocks on his full plate. "I guess it's advantage is it's lighter. But before trying it, we still need to take it back to town for identification."
Durgan continues searching the rest of the room, looking out for an identifier or symbol of any kind.
Once you begin searching the room you will see a door behind the large chair. It is centered in the wall opposite from where you came in so it was well hidden by the chair. When you open it you see a large bedroom the leader had. It is 60 foot square and has a larger bed with wardrobes along the far wall. You see a desk on the left wall with a worn tapestry hanging beside it. On the right hand side wall is a couple tables with some food and a smaller table with three chairs around it. Just to the right of the door is a couple nice well made comfortable looking chairs. To the left of the door is a armor dummy used to hang up armor.