Out of Character: I did not read the potion thing properly sorry about that. What happened with the lady?
In Character: "Glad that's over I can't imagine coming all this way just to die in the end." He thanks the lady for the potion and asks who the person she fought was. Zork then begins to search the room.
"Nothing valuable seems to be in here," Durgan shouts from the bedroom. He then starts checking the wardrobes and searching for any possible secret entrances. Surely the leader had a private stash.
Either way, he starts ripping up the bedsheets and wrapping the stripped bodies so they preserve just a little longer. Durgan doesn't want to bother digging graves though.
Thinking about the layout of the area Durgan goes searching for more possible hidden places. First between room 5 and 6, then room 2, and finally the corridor leading to room 4.
Zork will carefully search for anything of value: gold, gems, weapons, a key to something, etc.
Out of Character: I am including a separate roll for searching for secret passageways, doors, etc. I'm following Icon's lead that we use a D6 for this?
In the bed room behind the tapestry you find a secret door. Opening it you see 30 feet of hall way that end in a door. Do you wish to open this door?
You did not find anything of interest in the other two rooms besides the armor the guards were wearing. That can be sold. The Lady Mithalindre will tell you both the mage that was in here was a ex sister who was thrown out of the school a few years back for dwelling in the dark arts. She was not as clever of a student as she thought she was.
"That's a shame," Durgan says. "Such talent, wasted."
"I found a secret passage and door, do you two want to help me check it for traps?"
Durgan carefully checks the door for traps before opening up.
Zork is close by checking the area for anything unusual or additional secret passages nearby.