Out of Character: Zork stands firm with his bow ready. He leaves two dogs above with his horse and tells them to protect the horse. He helps four of the dogs down and sends one ahead to look for more spiders once the fire has died down.
Durgan covers his mouth with the cloth from his sleeve so he avoids breathing in too much smoke. He has his mace against his shoulder but stays near the entrance ready for their attack.
Out of Character: subtracted an opal and fire opal.
Three spiders come rushing out of the flames to attack Durgan. They do not look too great as they have burnt marks on their bodies. They jump at Durgan. Durgan hits one with a great attack finishing it off. The second one gets a bite on Durgan causing 5 damage and he needs to make a save vs poison. The other spider missed as he jumped but is now between Durgan and the dogs.
In Character: Zork immediately starts firing off arrows over the heads of those in front.
Out of Character: Perhaps if he can, he will use the steps to gain height and possibly a bonus but will not include it.
Durgan lashes out at the spider in front of him, before turning to face the one behind. Sessativa uses Magic Missile to help finish the one closest to the dogs.
Durgan feels the poison in his system and takes another 3 damage as the spider in front of him bites him again. (Save again). Durgan misses with his attack. Zork fires at the spider in front of Durgan missing. Sessativa fire a magic missle at the back spider causing 4 damage The spider by the dogs bites a dog for six damage. Need a save vs poison for the dog.
Next round the spider misses Durgan as well as misses the dogs. Durgan misses again. Zork hits the front spider with an arrow causing 5 damage.
Third round The spider bites Durgan for 6 damage. Saving throw vs poison total 2 now. The spider by the dogs bits a dog for 6 damage. Save vs poison on the dog bitten. Durgan misses as does Zork. Zork rolling a one I need you to roll a d20 to see if you accidently shot Durgan with the fumble.
"Argh!" Durgan shouts. "That really burns!"
He is surprised at their tenacity and continues attacking, while looking ahead for any more spiders.
Sessativa, unwilling to spend resources, draws her quarterstaff and bludgeons the spider in between.